Friday, November 27, 2015

His Loving Heart

In an issue of Leadership magazine, Ben Patterson is quoted as saying “Not only does God command us to pray, he permits us to pray.  Prayer is both a “must” and a “may”, an obligation and a gift.”

Have you ever thought about prayer like that?  God not only wants us to talk to Him... He allows us to!  The Creator of every star in the sky and every cell in our body wants us to take a few minutes out of our day and chat with Him.  Tell Him how we’re feeling... what hurts... and what we need help with.  And on top of that... God listens!  He specifically hears each individual voice calling out to Him.  Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we are to approach His throne with confidence... Knowing that what we lift up to Him matters to Him too.  In our prayers today... let’s thank God for not only saying we should pray... but for being gracious enough to allow our simple voices to reach His loving heart.