Thursday, April 30, 2015

World Changing Words

Do you remember the “Peanuts” cartoon strip?   One of the recurring scenes had a determined Charlie Brown trying to kick a football held by Lucy.  Time after time he’d run at the ball... and at the very last minute Lucy would snatch it away and Charlie would go flying past.  Lucy would apologize and Charlie would accept... draw back.. and run at the ball again only to find the same outcome.  

Flat on his back.  No football.  Only air.  

Why did Charlie Brown stay at it so long?  Why repeat the same behavior again and again with the same outcome?  He knew it was never going to change if he kept on doing it the same way... why didn’t he adjust?  Why didn’t he change his ways?  Why didn’t he do something to make things different?  Young Mr. Brown forgot a simple truth that so many of us do...

It’s one thing to know something’s not working... it a whole other thing to actually do something about it and make a change.   Knowing isn’t enough.  

The Bible addresses this.  Let’s look at what James says about this in Chapter 1 and verses 22-25.

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” (James 1:22-25)

We read so much in scripture that guides us toward our God-potential...

Love God first
Love your neighbors
Control your anger
Give to those that need
Don’t worry
Trust when you don’t see it
Serve others with your talents...

We know what we need to do... but is it happening?  Are we living it out?  

The Bible is a life-changing book.  But knowing what the Bible says is only half of what’s necessary.   We’ve got to apply it.  Ever feel like Charlie Brown?  Ever wonder why things aren’t changing?  Why the scenario isn’t playing out like you hoped it would?   
In many cases it’s simply a matter of living out what we read... adjusting our lives to God’s plan rather than asking Him to approve our own.   

We can quote scripture... have highlighted key passages in our Bibles... take pages of notes during the weekend teaching... but if we fail to apply it, make some changes, and actually live out God’s word... we find ourselves flat on our back.   Again.  

The Bible’s not just informative... it’s transformative.   It gives us hope, strength, the power to endure, wisdom, creativity, changes our perspective, teaches us right and wrong, and is the textbook on how to love God and others.  

In printed form it’s powerful.  When it’s lived out by those that read it... it’s world changing.   

It’s time to stop seeing the Bible as an ancient book of advice meant for others to follow.  It’s God’s love letter to us... His directions... His plan for success... His reminder that we are His masterpiece and He wants what’s best for our lives.  It is as relevant today as it has ever been.

 God has huge blessings for those that are committed enough to read, internalize, and actually do what He tells them to.  Are you ready to change the world?   We have God’s plan... let’s make the adjustments... live out every word... and go for it!   

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

How To Defeat Pride

The lion was proud of his mastery of the animal kingdom. One day he decided to make sure all the other animals knew he was the king of the jungle. He was so confident that he by-passed the smaller animals and went straight to the bear. "Who is the king of the jungle?" the lion asked. The bear replied, "Why you are, of course" The lion gave a mighty roar of approval. Next he asked the tiger, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The tiger quickly responded, "Everyone knows that you are, mighty lion " 

Sometimes (even though very few of us admit it),  we feel like that lion... puffed up, boastful, and sure of ourselves.  We move from scenario to situation with our heads held high, chest out, and our arms bent to facilitate patting ourselves on the back...

I did this.
I earned this.
Look at me.
You aren’t as good as I am.

Or maybe it’s more subtle...

Insisting that our name be listed first on a report.
Making sure we always have the last word.
Having to be right all the time.
Talking about ourselves during every conversation.

The Bible is very clear about pride... 

“And all of you, serve each other in humility, for ‘God opposes the proud but favors the humble.’" 1 Peter 5:5b

At first glance, it just looks like God doesn’t like pride.   That it just bothers Him.  Look again.  It says that God OPPOSES the proud.

He stands against them.  Not the pride in their hearts... it says that God opposes THEM. 

And until hearts change, the situation stays that way... and we don’t receive the blessings that He is able and willing to give.  

Our lion’s story continues:

Next on the list was the elephant. The lion faced the elephant and addressed his question, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The elephant immediately grabbed the lion with his trunk, whirled him around in the air five or six times and slammed him into a tree. Then he pounded him onto the ground several times, dunked him under water in a nearby lake, and finally dumped him out on the shore. The lion--beaten, bruised, and battered--struggled to his feet. He looked at the elephant through sad eyes and said, "Look, just because you don’t know the answer is no reason for to get mean about it!"
Pride can make us feel beaten up... but so many of us refuse to believe that a BIG ego has taken over our hearts.  We can only say it isn’t there for so long... and if this is something we struggle with...I pray that we place humility and love where selfishness and self-importance now live.   

How do we defeat pride?  By remembering.

Remembering that God made us... and that we aren’t perfect.
Remembering that we are called to be servants.
Remembering that our goal is to further God’s Kingdom rather than our own agenda.
Remembering that God’s grace for us is meant to be shared with others that hurt us.
Remembering that we aren’t supposed to be anybody’s Savior...Jesus has that covered.

We’re not the king of the jungle... let others boast about us if they choose... but let’s decide to be thankful for our abilities, genuinely humble, and give glory to God for what He has graciously given us the opportunity to have and accomplish.  

The blessings come when we figure out that we don’t have to live like the lion in our story today... is it any wonder why a group of them is called a pride?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Get Out There and Live

I found this story and I want to share it with you today... I’m praying it inspires you as it did me...

“A friend of mine opened his wife’s bedside drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package: ‘This,’ - he said - ‘isn’t any ordinary package.’  He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box. 

‘She got this the first time we went to New York, 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it on. Was saving it for a special occasion.  Well, I guess this is it.’  He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he was taking to the funeral home.  His wife had just passed away.  He turned to me and said: ‘Never save something for a special occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion’. 

I still think those words changed my life. 

Now I read more and clean less.  I sit on the porch without worrying about anything. 
I spend more time with my family, and less at work. I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through. I no longer keep anything. I use crystal glasses every day. I’ll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.  I don’t save my special perfume for special occasions, I use it whenever I want to. 

And, on each morning, I say to myself that this could be a special day. 

Each day, each hour, each minute, is special. “

Some people live life wondering and some people live life wonderfully.   

The wonderers can’t decide what to do.  Should they use it or store it away for later?  Have the conversation or pretend something never happened?  

They wonder what could have been.
They wonder if it ever will be.
They worry while they’re wondering about things that are out of their control.

Wonderers spend their entire lives counting on a tomorrow that they aren’t guaranteed...borrowing trouble from a future that’s hasn’t come yet...waiting on life to be perfect before they start living it.  

There’s no need to wonder what God’s plan is for us...

Luke 9:62 - “Jesus said, ‘No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.’”  
Get after it!  Live a wonderful life!   When life puts puddles in your path... don’t let them drown you... splash in them!  You are part of God’s family!  The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords paid the highest price, His own life, for you to live in freedom!

God’s word tells us to not hesitate... to not look back... to go after life with a renewed sense of passion and focus.   We should be so busy getting the maximum out of today that we don’t have time to even think about what may happen tomorrow!  We aren’t guaranteed another sunrise... but we do have this one.. this breath.. this chance.. this time.. and this day to make a difference.  

Waiting for the clouds in your life to part before going back outside?  Don’t.  The world is a beautiful place... and you are a beautiful part of it.   If you stay inside too long, you’ll miss the rainbow that’s coming.

Live wonderfully... joyfully... expectantly... 
Hold nothing back for tomorrow.

Today is a special occasion.  
Your heart is still beating.
Get out there and live.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Next Bulb

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”  2 Peter 3:9

      Thomas Edison is well known for many inventions.  None may be as well-known or important as the electric light bulb.  This combination of metal and glass revolutionized the lifestyle of the entire world.  Today, we can buy multiple bulbs at the store of all sizes and wattages.  However, the first bulbs were not so easily fact it took a team of men an entire 24 hour day to produce one bulb.   The story goes that Edison handed one of these early bulbs to a young boy helper to carry up the stairs.  Obviously, the boy tried his best to be careful with this priceless object.  He watched every single step... but at the second to last stair, he tripped.  The bulb slipped from his grasp and shattered to the floor.  An entire day...hundreds of man-hours...gone.

     Some of us are in the same boat.  It seems that no matter how hard we try, our lives seem to shatter.   We don’t mean to hurt people with our words... or disappoint our family... or give in to that addiction... or let our quiet time with God lapse... it just happens.   We may feel like giving up.   We may feel like we aren’t usable by God anymore... shattered, broken, and useless.  If you feel like (or have felt like) that, then today’s verse was written specifically for you...

     We serve a patient God.  While we do face consequences for poor choices, God waits for us to understand what we have done, claim responsibility for it, and pray that we would be forgiven.  This last step, repentance, is critical in our relationship with God.  Not only do we have to know that we’ve hurt someone, we need to own it, and seek genuine forgiveness through prayer from our Heavenly Father.   Scripture says that when we do, He excuses us and separates us from our sin as far as the East is from the West... the past is forgotten and we can move forward and grow in Christ.   God wants us to live lives of strength and security...not meekness and guilt.  Repentance for our past is a big step on the road to our God-potential.  

     Edison’s assistant’s story didn’t end with the broken bulb.  In fact, when the next bulb was completed... a whole day later... who was it that got to carry the bulb upstairs?  That same young assistant.  This time the bulb arrived intact.  That boy got a second chance and it changed his life.  Your second chance is one prayer of forgiveness away...  are you ready?

Friday, April 24, 2015

More Than You Can Stand?

“If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Cor. 10:12-13
“The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.” - Thomas Merton
In today’s verse, the Apostle Paul says that the temptations we face, while common to everyone, are not unbeatable. In fact, he says that God will “not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.” I love that! No matter what temptation the enemy throws our way to stop.. God will give us “a way out so that [we] can endure” The devil puts up stop signs, detours, and red lights... and Jesus reminds us that we have His GPS. He simply re-routes us around the obstacles and keeps us on the road to our God-potential.
So the question is... what tempts you to quit? Does it seem like there’s no hope? Are you struggling to think you’re not worthy enough for God to use you? I have some encouragement for you. We’ve all felt that way from time to time. Today’s verse tells us that when we have these feelings, God will give us the wisdom, the strength, and the nudge to keep going and escape the temptation. He wants us to persevere because He loves us so very much. I’ll be praying that when you feel tempted to stop...or believe what others say about you... or doubt that you can do it... or hear the limiting lies of the devil... that you would remember that you aren’t alone. God is with you and your Potential Church family is on the journey alongside you. Let’s go after this together!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


At the end of the Civil War, President Lincoln was asked how he was going to treat Southerners when they returned to the Union. The questioner expected that Lincoln would be bitter... vengeful... certainly he would make them earn their way back in... His answer... "I will treat them as if they had never been away."

An unusual response.  After all, the Southerners that had seceded from the Union had killed thousands of northern soldiers... destroyed property... and seemed to support everything the North had fought to change.  Why wouldn’t Lincoln make them pay?  Why didn’t the president seek to even the score... make them come crawling back... cause them to suffer for what they had done?  History wouldn’t have blamed him, right?

Why didn’t Lincoln do these things?  Because he understood the truth as told in Romans 12:17-21

“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ To the contrary, ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

This is one of those passages of scripture that many like to read quickly and move on.  After all, look at the list of what God tells us to do... 

Repay evil with good...
Do what’s honorable when the other person hasn’t been honorable...
Live peaceably with others when they don’t deserve it...
Don’t seek revenge...
Be kind to our enemies...

How?  Why?  Doesn’t seem fair does it.   The world screams to get even... and God says don’t.  Our friends tell us to make them pay... and God says “Trust Me, I’ll take care of it.”  Why would anyone follow these directives?  Why would anybody treat people better than they were treated?  Why would someone give up their right to settle things their own way?

Simple.  Because that’s what Christ did.  Sinless Christ.  The King of Kings.  All man... all God... perfect and unblemished.  He climbed up and let His own creation nail Him to a cross... pierce His side with a spear... put a crown of ragged thorns on His head… And as people mocked and spit at Him.... He was forgiving those doing it before the saliva could even dry.  So much injustice... so much undeserved hatred toward the Son of God...

Met with so much love.  Jesus chose to show compassion and forgive.  Why should we waive our right at revenge?  Because Christ did.  And it’s Christ who we are trying to be like.  Kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness, honor, and peaceful resolution.  It’s easy to live these out with people we get along with.  The true act of worship?  The real indicator as to the depth of our faith?  

Doing the right thing when we’ve been treated the wrong way.  

I can imagine your thoughts as you read this....  Pastor, you don’t know what they did.  If I treat them this way...they win, don’t they?  If I turn the other cheek...they’ll just hit me on that one too....

Jesus didn’t say it would be easy...  But real growth...real faith... real and long lasting change never is.  

Resist the urge to dismiss these verses as impossible.  Don’t give in to the enemy telling you that this doesn’t apply...  doing the Godly thing is rarely popular or easy...

However, it is obedient.  It is blessable.  And it is always the right choice...  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What's In a Name?

“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor 
      and gave him the name above all other names, 
 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, 
      in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 
 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, 
      to the glory of God the Father.”
Philippians 2:9-11

There is a place that was never designed for human inhabitants... where there is no joy... no light... and no friends.  It’s name?  Gehenna.  Hell.   What’s there?  Separation of Creator from creation... A division between humanity and hope... an eternity where all is lost forever. 

If you are reading this post today... there’s still hope.  And that hope has a name.  Look at today’s passage.  Paul tells us that God called His Son Jesus... “name above all other names” and that when we hear it... “every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.”   Scripture tells us in Romans 10 that all who call out this Name and believe that He is Lord will be spared the eternal separation and pain of hell.  When we call out and confess Jesus Christ as Lord... name above all names... we are saved forever.

What does eternity look like for you?  Take some time to think about that.  We have a lot riding on what side we take.   I urge you to investigate the claims of Jesus... and it is my prayer that one day you might confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and spend eternity with Him.  

It’s the best and most important decision you will ever make.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


In a Charlie Brown cartoon strip Lucy asks, "Why do you think we're put on earth, Charlie Brown?" Charlie replies, "To make others happy." Lucy says, "I don't think I'm making anyone very happy . . . Of course, nobody's making me very happy either." Then in the final panel, Lucy screams at the top of her lungs, "Hey, somebody's not doing his job!"

Have you ever wondered why we’re put on earth?  Is it Lucy’s reason?  Are others meant to serve us?  Are we meant to always be happy?

No.  God never promises consistent happiness... in fact, He tells us that we will struggle at times:  John 16:33 “ Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows... “

So why are we here?  To endure life?  To simply get through our days?  

Absolutely not.  Life is much sweeter than that!  Charlie Brown had it right... the reason we exist is for others.  It’s why we breathe and it’s why we’ve been given the gifts that we have.  Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:7, “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” 

He further tells us in Galatians: “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  

Can you imagine a selfless world?  People getting up in the morning just to remind those they do life with that they matter... 

To bring hope to the hopeless...
To mend instead of rip...
To forgive the undeserving...
To provide for someone knowing they could never return the favor...

To make others happy... 

Seem unfair?  Why should we be the ones taking care of others?  What if nobody takes care of us or makes us happy? 

That’s not the mission or the goal.  We aren’t here to always be happy with things... we’re here to be more like Jesus Christ. We’re here to bring Him glory.  We’re here to share His good news.  We’re here to praise Him in the good things and the bad.  We’re here to represent Him to those that don’t know Him.  We’re here to rescue those God puts in our path.  We’re here to love Him without reservation... and we’re here to love those He created even when we don’t agree with them or feel like doing so.  

And when we do these things... God (and He alone) will give us a joy that circumstance can’t take away and people’s opinions can’t tarnish.   The secret to happiness isn’t so secret... 

It all starts with a priority list that has God at the top... others next... and ourselves a distant but blessed third.  

Monday, April 20, 2015

Here With a Purpose

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”  Galatians 5:13

“And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:42-45

“This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.”  1 Cor. 4:1-2

“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.”  Luke 14:23

“It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,”  Matthew 20:26

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, ...” Philippians 2:1-30

“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”  John 12:26

“Jesus replied, ‘The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.’”  Mark 12: 29-31

We are here with a purpose.
We all have gifts.

Our gifts are not for us.
They are to serve others.  

Serving His people is what we were created to do.  Loving on the lonely... reaching out to the hurting... serving those that are seeking Christ.   

The road to our God potential leads us through the valley of selflessness... putting others first... sacrificing so that people we may not even know can come face-to-face with a Savior who sacrificed everything on their behalf.

And we get to do that.  

We get to be servants.

Let’s make today a time of using our God-given gifts to care for those that He brings our way.

Lives will change and God will get the glory.  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Something You Can Do

There’s an old story about the 20th century violin virtuoso, Fritz Kreisler. Setting out from Hamburg, Germany, one day to give a concert in London, he had an hour before his boat sailed.  He wandered into a music shop, where the proprietor asked if he might look at the violin Kreisler was carrying.  He then vanished and returned with two policemen, one of whom told the violinist, “You are under arrest.”

“What for?” asked Kreisler.

“You have Fritz Kreisler’s violin.”

“I am Fritz Kreisler,” protested the musician.

“No you’re not. Come along.”

As Kreisler’s boat was sailing soon, there was no time for prolonged explanations.  Kreisler asked for his violin and played a piece he was well known for. “Now are you satisfied?” He asked.

The policemen let the musician go because he had done what only Fritz Kreisler could do.

If you are a follower of Christ... did you know that there’s something that you can do that is unique to being a believer?   Something you can do that the world doesn’t understand?   What is it?

The Bible puts it this way:  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

Love.  Real genuine love.  Christ demonstrated this “Agape” love... even to those that were hurting Him emotionally and physically.  It’s not the “I love you let’s get married” kind of love.. or even the love a parent has for a child.  This is deeper love.  Unconditional love.  “Loving your enemies” kind of love.  It’s the type of feeling that transcends typical emotional response and dares to change the world.   

It’s our identifier as believers.  Our calling card.  It’s what we should be known to have and to give away with great and unexplainable frequency.  If we are believers, love should be our default reaction even when the rest of the world wouldn’t.

So many people characterize Christians as judgmental, closed-minded, and out-of-touch.  While these sweeping generalizations are far from truthful... wouldn’t it be great if we were known for the way we love others?  To care for and protect those that the world has turned it’s back on?  To hug the outcasts? To reach out to those that have made mistakes?  
It shouldn’t be hard to tell we’re Christian.  And not because we wear a cross, or carry a Bible, or have a few scriptures memorized... It should be because we love Christ first and, in turn, are loving, caring, kind, and understanding even in the face of great adversity or persecution.  Love is something everyone says they can do... but true students of the Savior do it when everyone else turns away.  

Be who you were created to be... rescue those God puts in your path... do what only a Christ-follower can... 

Care for others with the heart of God...
See others through the eyes of God...

and love others because He first loved you.  

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I was speaking with a parent the other day who told me how she settles the arguments in her house.  When her children do something bad to each other, she makes them hug and apologize. She told me that her kids do it with clenched teeth...and the hug only lasts less about two seconds... but they do it.  She wonders how much they mean it... but feels good that at least they go through the motions.

This isn’t what God intended apology and forgiveness to look like.  In James 5 verse 16a it says this:  “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” 

How often do we do something to someone, mutter that we’re sorry, but really don’t mean it?  We give them a quick hug or a pat on the back and pretend everything is better.  This isn’t what God had in mind.  If we hurt someone in some way, we need to make it right.  Today’s verse says to confess what we’ve done wrong and pray for the person we’ve hurt.  When we’re praying for them... God works in us... and we both heal.   Do they have to forgive us?  No... but when we ask for it, we’ve done our part in obedience to scripture.     

If there’s someone in your life today that needs your heart-felt apology... be bold enough to make it right.  Confess your wrongdoing to God, admit it to the person that’s been hurt... and once you’ve asked for forgiveness... pray for them.   

Don’t let the enemy steal future happiness because of past hurt.  It may not be the easiest conversation you’ve ever had... but you’ll never regret the effort in making things right.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sell Out

Just when you think your day is bad... think of Ronald of three co-founders of Apple Computers.  In 1976, he sold his 10% share of the company for $800.  In addition, he waived his rights to any part of the company for an additional $1500.  As of this writing today, Apple Computers is one of the most valuable companies in the world.  Estimated worth?  Around $600 billlion.  In today’s market, that 10% share of Apple would be worth around $60 billion dollars.  

At first glance, we see Ronald Wayne as foolish.  He could have had so much more... but he sold out... and lost.   But let’s not be so quick to judge...

Fact is... so many people do the same thing with something far more valuable...

Let’s take a look at Matthew 16:26:

“For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?”

Instead of cashing out stock options and benefits like Ronald... people sell out the most precious thing they have:  themselves.   

They compromise their integrity to fit into a crowd...
Ignore Biblical wisdom for temporary pleasure...
Follow their own way instead of following the direction of Christ...
Try to earn Heaven instead of asking Jesus into their hearts...
Seek the applause of peers over Heavenly cheers...

Ronald Wayne only lost money.  So many people lose themselves.  They live their entire lives focused on climbing the ladder of success... only to find it leaning against the wrong wall.   They sacrifice their eternity at the altar of ego.  And in the end...when it’s all over...they tragically spend forever separated from their Creator.  Their once-important treasure left behind on Earth... inaccessible and useless. 

The objective of a Godly life isn’t to acquire possessions, fame, or fortune.  If we get them...great!  But keep in mind that those things aren’t the goal... they are simply tools to leverage and be used to bring people closer to Jesus Christ!  We’ve been given a precious soul...everything we make a difference for God while we’re here on Earth. Value it.  Don’t vend it to the highest bidder or swap it for the short-lived.   The world will offer you tempting trades... but only give your life... your soul... to the One who knit it together.   God has a great plan for you... don’t sell-out to anything less.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

He Has Overcome the World

It’s easy to read the headlines and believe that the world is going the way of the enemy.  From the tragedy in Boston, to 9/11, to Sandy Hook Elementary, to wars or threats of wars around the globe.... the devil appears to have taken control of the way our planet spins.  But as I prayed for the affected, John 16:33 came to mind....

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” 

How could God allow tragedy?  The answer is simple.  Sometimes people choose to do things outside of God’s plan.   They disregard the scripture... and plot to bring destruction, chaos, and hurt.  People have disobeyed God since the first two in the Garden of Eden...and for thousands of years thereafter.  It isn’t new or exclusive to this generation.  Freewill is wonderful.  It allows us to love God because we WANT to...not because we are forced to.  It’s genuine.  But this same freedom has a potentially dangerous side.  People can choose the other way.  Bombs are set.  Lives are taken.  Families are broken forever.  

But God tells us to take heart because He has overcome the world.  Will bad things happen here?  Yes.  Will God be here with us through it?  Definitely.  

- Through His servants doing whatever it takes to comfort the mourning.  God is there.
- Through area churches providing counseling to the grieving. God is there.
- Through Christ-followers around the world that will spend a few extra minutes on their knees in deep prayer.  God is there.

To the people that have been directly affected by acts of violence... the prayers of Potential Church are with you.  We serve a God that knows anguish firsthand.  He has felt what you feel.  May His grace and strength continue to be with you as you persevere on the journey back to health. Take heart and know that you aren’t alone...  God is there.... He has overcome this world... and He loves you more than you’ll ever know.   

Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Help

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17

If you’re going to make it through the next might need some help.  No...maybe I should rephrase that... you can’t do it alone.  In fact, you aren’t supposed to.  One is too small a number for greatness... and you were wired together to lean on others for support when things get tough.  When tough things happen, I suggest three helpers...

First, find someone with a similar situation.  I believe that we go through life’s pains so that we can help others suffering in the future.  There is someone out there that has endured what you are going through... make the effort to find them. They could be as close as the chair next to you in church, involved in your connect group, or across the table at the family dinner.  When you do find them, commit to listening more than talking... writing down what’s important... making the necessary changes of thoughts or actions, and staying accountable... both to God and the person who is trying to help.  

Second, bring in some professional help.  Need some help sorting things out in your mind?  Enlist a Christian counselor.  Want to learn how to lose the extra weight?  Hire a trainer.  In a financial knot and resolve to get out?  Enroll in a class and get with a financial advisor.  The benefits are priceless.  They have worked with hundreds sometimes thousands of other people and their insight as a neutral third party will help greatly in your success.  Many people see seeking outside involvement as a weakness.  Getting help is NEVER a weak action... in fact... it demonstrates wisdom.  However, be vigilant in connecting with the right help... with Godly help.  You don’t want to feel like you’re making progress only to discover that you are traveling in the wrong direction!

Third, and most important, stay connected to God Himself.   If you are in a relationship with Jesus Christ... He not only wants to help... He’s reaching out His hand for you to take it.  How you might ask?  Right there in the Bible... page after page of life-steering wisdom just ripe for the reading.  He’s there through weekend teaching and worship... He’s there through the advice of a close Christian friend... He’s there when you get quiet and sit down to pray and listen.

You aren’t alone. 
Your situation isn’t unique to just you.
There are people who want to help you.
They genuinely care.

God cares even more than they do.
He’ll never leave you nor abandon you.

Want to get sharper?  Connect with God and others.  You’ll gain perspective, wisdom, confidence, and the ability to see problems for what they are:  temporary and seasonal.  

You’ve got this. 

Friday, April 10, 2015


“We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:5

The mind is a powerful motivator.  It can push us beyond what our muscles tell us is too much... steer us through confusing situations... and help us to understand complexities and nuances that we otherwise might miss.  

It can also cause us to stumble.  When it comes to succeeding in life, we have to capture and control negative thoughts.  You’ll hear your own mind say  “You aren’t good enough”  “You’ll never get past it”  or  “You’re all alone.”

Don’t believe those thoughts.  Scripture tells us to “capture rebellious thought” when it comes to things that derail us from being the person Christ created us to be.  Decide today to replace those dream crushers with reassuring notions and memorized scripture that will help you through when it gets tough.  Your brain is the critical part of sustained habit-development.  Re-train it... control it.. and use it to push you forward.

God gave you a brilliant mind... be a responsible gatekeeper.  Allow the truth...God’s truth... to penetrate your thoughts and go right to the heart.   And when the world wants to replace those Godly thoughts with confusion and discouragement... stay strong and protect your mind.  I’ll be praying for you as you do.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Only Read This If You Have Time

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven...” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life’s most precious commodity is time.  In the course of one twenty-four hour day, we deal with so much... decide so much... and try to fit in so much.  It’s sometimes amazing how it all happens.  Have you ever looked back at a period of time and wished you could have done more?  Changed something that you really needed to do but didn’t?   Made time for someone that you opted not to?

We’ve all been there.  

  Often we don’t prioritize the important people or things in our lives and they get swept away in the waves of daily routine and stress that inevitably come.   We spend our energy committing to things we have no intention of doing... doing things that are good instead of great... or putting material gain over relational growth with those that matter to us.  A harsh reality... but the pain of regret is far more difficult to deal with than the temporary sting of the word “no” to things of lesser importance.  

Want to memorize scripture?  Put it on your calendar app.  Want to grow closer to your kids?  Carve out family time and promise to let nothing take its place.  Get healthier?  Set the alarm for the gym.  You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish!   

Once you set your priorities, I guarantee that you can get more done in twenty-four hours of spending time on them... than a lifetime of “when I get around to it.”   

Live intentionally.  Understand the gift of time.  Put first things first.  And give glory to God when it all comes together.   Sounds like the start of a great life plan to me.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


“Then the LORD said to me, "Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”  Habakkuk 2:2

Writing things down is important for so many reasons.  My friend, Pr. David Crank, says it well... the shortest pencil is more important than the longest memory.  In addition to writing down goals, I always encourage people to keep a prayer/thought journal.  Wondering how God is moving in your life?  Jot down what God is telling you... feelings you are having... answered prayers... etc.  Don’t forget...this isn’t being graded or analyzed by anyone.  Mad at God?  Write it down.  Frustrated... disappointed... upset?   Pencil those feelings down as well.  

I promise you this... God is working in your life.  Keeping a journal helps you to identify exactly how that is happening.   Looking back at past entries helps clarify progress, establish spiritual benchmarks, and see what areas of your life are moving forward (and which ones might be slipping a little).  

Your life is following a path... imagine being able to pass a narrative of that journey down to the generations that follow you.  It’s a legacy... your written legacy... that will teach, validate, guide, and encourage those that will read it in the future  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cry and Laugh

A young boy was sent to the corner store by his mother to buy a loaf of bread. He was gone much longer than it should have taken him. When he finally returned, his mother asked, “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you.”

“Well,” he answered, “ there was a little boy with a broken bike who was crying. So I stopped to help him.”

“I didn’t know you knew anything about fixing bikes,” his mother said.

“I don’t,” he replied. “I just stayed there and cried with him.

A sweet story...  but I can already hear you shouting into your computer...

“Crying doesn’t help that kid get his bike fixed!”
“Was it worth worrying his mom just to make somebody feel better?”
“I would have done..... “
“That kid should have....”

I know. Our tendency is to read a story like this and think how it could have been handled better.  Maybe it’s our desire to be problem-solvers.  Perhaps it’s because at the pace of our day, we aren’t able to appreciate just stopping to empathize.  It could be that we don’t see the point of crying... 

Whatever the case, God has a verse written just for us as to how we are to react when we hear the story of or are brought into another’s situation.  

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15

Today’s verse from Romans tells how to react when we hear news...both good and bad.      God says that we are to celebrate when somebody else is celebrating and cry with them when they are hurting.  Easier said than done.

When people around you are full of joy and loving life, what is your first reaction?  Go ahead... be honest.  You’re the only one that knows that answer.  I think some people genuinely love to see others happy... And some don’t.  In fact, when they see people celebrating they look for ways to sabotage it.  Maybe it’s feeling overwhelming jealousy, or sharing the “real reason” they got it, or putting on a bad mood so that the attention is brought to them.  Whatever the case, God wants us to return the high-five, put on the party hat, and with a genuine spirit of joy... join in the laughter.  If they are being showered with blessings... run in the rain with them!  Life is too short to experience only your own happiness.  

And if they are saddened, disheartened, feeling overcome or beaten up... cry with them.  Scripture tells us to mourn with those who are mourning.  This doesn’t mean a para-sympathetic tap on the shoulder with an obligatory “it’ll be ok”  God’s telling us to imagine ourselves in their shoes.  I’m talking a feel it WITH them type of reaction.  I know what you might be thinking... Pastor, I have enough troubles of my own.. I can’t take on the pain of others.  

Being a Christ-follower means we are to live each day trying to be more like Him.  The reason He came to Earth was to save us and make sure we knew that He understands.  He’s felt every pain, endured every heartbreak, and taken on every struggle.   If we are going to be more Christ-like... we have to do what He did...and love the people He loves.

Jesus Christ knows how bad it hurts.  He is intimately involved with every circumstance and records every tear.  We need to do our very best to be like that too...  

Get involved.  Get your hands-dirty.  Walk two miles in their shoes.  Share a box of tissues with those that are broken.  Don’t shy away from others’ pain... because one day, you’ll need them and the comfort that comes from the hug of a close friend.   

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15

This verse isn’t just a way to make others feel good... it’s the roadmap to our growth in Christ. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Is Easter Over?

“And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority to tell Gentiles everywhere what God has done for them, so that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name.”  Romans 1:4-5

“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus”  Romans 6:8-11

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...”  1 Peter 1:3

“After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."  Matthew 28:1-10

A lot of people think Easter is over.

Plastic eggs... chocolate bunnies... colorful baskets all become half-off discounted items at local stores.

The good feeling we had at church this weekend fades and we are faced with....

Post-Easter Monday morning.

You woke up to it today.
All of the songs you sang and felt yesterday have become distant memories...replaced with the droning sound of your office or classroom.

Clothes that once dripped with the waters of baptism are now dried, folded, and put back in their drawer.

I want to encourage you to think differently today.  Easter isn’t over.

Today’s verses all have one thing in common.  They all point directly to our risen Lord and what He did for us over 2000 years ago.  He came back.  He returned from the dead.  His resurrection is the single act in history that changed our eternity forever.  He is all that we need and all we could ever want.  He loves us more than we could understand and could never earn.  Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

And he didn’t stay dead.  He came back for us.

Last weekend, we celebrated death’s single defeat in the return of Christ.  He didn’t come back for us to live weak and defeated lives... He came back so we could stand strong for Him and live boldly.

I want to challenge you this morning to not think of Easter as something that’s “over”...  but, instead, as the first day of the new reality.  Today starts that new hope... today affirms the truth that, in Christ, you can do all things!  Today matters and you matter in it.

Have faith, and keep moving forward.  I’ll be praying for you as you take these first steps in your new direction.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Week - Friday

The day had finally come.  Friday.  Just five days after Jesus entered the streets of a cheering Jerusalem, He faced the covert plan of His betrayer:

“While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying,
“The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.”
And he came up to Jesus at once and said,
“Greetings, Rabbi!” And he kissed him. Jesus said to him,
“Friend, do what you came to do.” -  Matthew 26:47-50

Jesus knew Judas would come.  You can imagine that Christ had played this scene in His mind a few times... that kiss from the lips of the traitor against His cheek... the sounds of the swords clanging together from those that came to capture Him... All of the unnecessary drama from a group of people who had no clue what they were doing.  Jesus would go willingly.  He had been planning on it since the day He was sent to Earth.

Jesus was led away by those He had created.  The beginning of the end...  The end of the beginning...  

Scripture tells us that Christ would go through a “trial.”  He was brought before the high priest Annas, Caiaphas, Herod Antipas, and a man by the name of Pontius Pilate.  None of them could pin anything on Him...none of them bold enough to condemn Him to die...that is until Pilate lets the people choose.  Pontius would release one man... a murderer named Barabbas or Jesus.  

The people chose the murderer over the Creator.

The King of Kings and Lord or Lords would face the most severe form of torture ever devised by the hands of man...before or since... the cross.  And He would do so without ever thinking a sinful thought.

He would go through it for us.

By this time, Judas Escariot realized he has made a terrible mistake...tried to give the silver back... but eventually gave in to his overwhelming sense of grief.  He knew he had caused the death of an innocent man... and it would cost him his own life by his own hand.

9AM - Noon on Good Friday.  Three hours when the world held its breath, Satan snickered, and eleven scared students of Jesus went into hiding.  

And the soldiers led him away inside the palace (that is, the governor’s headquarters), and they called together the whole battalion.
And they clothed him in a purple cloak, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on him.  And they began to salute him, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
And they were striking his head with a reed and spitting on him and kneeling down in homage to him.  And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the purple cloak and put his own clothes on him. And they led him out to crucify him. And they compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross. And they brought him to the place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull). And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. And they crucified him and divided his garments among them, casting lots for them, to decide what each should take.  And it was the third hour when they crucified him.
And the inscription of the charge against him read, “The King of the Jews.”
And with him they crucified two robbers, one on his right and one on his left.
And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying,
“Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!”  So also the chief priests with the scribes mocked him to one another, saying, “He saved others; he cannot save himself.  Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.” Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.  And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.  And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bystanders hearing it said,  “Behold, he is calling Elijah.”  And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down.” And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.  And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.  And when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said,  “Truly this man was the Son of God!”  -  Mark 15:16-39

And they would take Him down.
And they would put Him in a tomb.
And they would wait.

Was Jesus telling the truth when He said He was coming back?
Oh, yes.... He was coming back.   THAT’S what we’re celebrating this Sunday.

Jesus keeps His promises.  The tomb was empty and our eternity was forever changed.

Jesus’ death on the cross was the turning point for humanity.  From that moment forward, every sin we’ve committed or will ever commit was covered by Christ’s sacrifice.  So what do we do with that?

Continue to sin?  Knowing that whatever we do is taken care of?   Thinking that if it’s forgiven... why not continue to break God’s heart?

What’s the appropriate response to eternal grace and forgiveness?

“Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace?  Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?  Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death?  For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.  So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.  Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.” Romans 6:1-4;11-14

If you are a Christ-follower... sin no longer controls you.  Why?  Because of His resurrection!  When He rose from the grave just three days after the events of Good Friday... we ALL received new life!   New opportunity.  New hope.  New focus.  

Sin lost it’s power that day.  Death’s perfect record... spoiled.  

When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior...

We die to who we were.
Our past is buried 
We resurrect with Christ into new life.

His grace is free.  He gives it willingly.  Why not sin?  Because we should value what those who we are in a relationship with value.  Christ paid the price to defeat sin’s power... why not choose to live in a way that honors that sacrifice and demonstrates our love for Him?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Week - Thursday

The plan was now in place and Jesus knew it.  Thursday was here.... you may hear it called Maundy Thursday... and the last time all of the disciples would be together in one place had come.  Jesus begins preparation for the Passover feast...

“Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying,
“Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?”
He said,
“Go into the city to a certain man and say to him,
‘The Teacher says,
My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.’”
And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover.”  Matthew 26: 17-19

When it was evening, he reclined at table with the twelve. And as they were eating, he said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”

And they were very sorrowful and began to say to him one after another,

“Is it I, Lord?”

He answered,
“He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me will betray me. The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”

Judas, who would betray him, answered,
“Is it I, Rabbi?”

He said to him,
“You have said so.”

Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said,

“Take, eat; this is my body.”

And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying,

“Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”  Matthew 26:20-29

This new covenant between God and Man... shed blood for the forgiveness of sin..  in the next few days, these men that Jesus ate with would see it firsthand.  A new plan was coming...a high price would be paid...and the world would change forever.  

Jesus then washes the feet of his disciples in John 13:1-17:26... demonstrating to them what a true servant does.  He commands them to do likewise...they sing a hymn together (Matthew 26:30)... and Jesus heads to the Mount of Olives to await His destiny.  Judas’ plan was in motion and their two very different paths would collide in the hours that followed.

Before Jesus faced His captors, He wanted to confront Peter with his future...

“And Jesus said to them, ‘You will all fall away, for it is written,
‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’
But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.”
Peter said to him,
“Even though they all fall away, I will not.”
And Jesus said to him,
“Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.”
But he said emphatically,
“If I must die with you, I will not deny you.”
And they all said the same.”  -  Mark 14:27-31

It’s interesting that the disciples all thought Jesus was wrong.  They would NEVER deny their Creator!  They would stand boldly in the face of authority and proclaim association with the One who hung the stars and walked on the water.

If only that were true.

In fact, some of His disciples would fail Jesus on their very first assignment.  He asked them to stay up and pray with Him...

“And when he came to the place, he said to them,
“Pray that you may not enter into temptation.”
And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying,
“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
And when he rose from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping for sorrow, and he said to them,
“Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation.”  - Luke 22:40-46

From a last meal together.. to a warning.. to a letdown.  Jesus had been through so much already in His final pre-resurrection week on Earth.  The time was coming for the beginning of the end... capture and crucifixion awaited Him.  I love what He says in that last passage... faced with impending torture, Jesus tells His Father... “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Jesus was fulfilling His destiny... He was willingly turning over His life...He was purposefully going to the cross.

For us.  

Take some time to prepare your heart today as Easter approaches… fast, pray, and commit to serving and sacrificing for others.  And when you finish… pray the same prayer to God that Jesus did… that His will…and not your own… would be done.  When said with a genuine heart, this prayer can change your life.