Thursday, May 15, 2014


“…A man reaps what he sows.”  Galatians 6:7b

The weekend is here.  We’ve talked about it during our 300 series… I’ve posted about it here on my Facebook devotional page… and you’ve hopefully spent some time praying and thinking about what role you can have in it… it is Temple Centurion kickoff weekend.  

It is my prayer that whichever area you choose, you would know that you are making a difference around the world.… Remember, Temple Centurion is a year-long initiative but we are asking all of our Potential Church family to contribute as much of that yearly commitment as they can this first weekend.  This will allow us to get right to work in some much-needed areas.

It’s not easy to talk to you about money.  I’ve been honest about that from the start.  I do it because Jesus talked directly about it.  In fact, He talked more about resources than He did about Heaven.  Why?  Is it more important?  Surely not.  But He knew that it would be the resistance to sharing our resources that would hold us back from moving forward in so many areas of our lives.

I just know that when we are obedient with the resources that God blesses us with, we put ourselves in a position for blessing.  That’s what I want for each of you… I don’t want you to stress over your finances… I don’t want you to wonder what it is God is looking for you to do… and most of all… I don’t want you to miss out on the blessings that come with generosity.  

Remember, it’s not about equal amounts.  Not everyone can afford to give the same thing.  It is, however, about equal sacrifice.  Allow God to stretch you in this area.  Were you a silver Temple Centurion last year?  What would have to change to allow you to give at the gold level?  Didn’t participate last year?  What’s holding you back from the opportunity this weekend?  Are you blessed to the point of giving at the platinum or diamond level?  

I hear so many stories from people who prayed about it and jumped in last year as Temple Centurions.  They tell me that they were unsure at first if they would be able to afford giving anything above the 10% they already contributed.  But when they stepped out and trusted… God did amazing things.  Things way beyond what they imagined would happen as a result of their generosity.

I want to challenge you as your Pastor… pray through this. Let’s not dismiss it and count on others to do it in our place.  It’s our time to step up and be counted as Temple Centurions.  Will you join me?   I’ll see you this weekend.