I remember growing up in Arkansas… Christmas morning was an event at our house. We would get up early and open some presents… and it never failed. The one toy that I wanted to play with most had to wait because it was missing batteries. Those three words: “batteries not included” were so heartbreaking. We’d dig through the junk drawer and would inevitably come up empty. The disappointment was very real… after all, a toy with no power is just a piece of plastic. But put those cells in… and you’ve got a remote controlled car that could race down the driveway!
As I sit and think about Christmas… and more specifically, Christ as a baby… I wonder how many thought that God’s plan didn’t include batteries. After all, how could the Savior of the world be so meek… so tiny… so seemingly powerless? How would this little baby rise up to be king? How could this small boy from this tiny insignificant city overthrow the Roman government and restore God’s people? But the people missed it. God’s Christmas plan… His rescue mission… was powerful beyond measure. Jesus Christ, the most significant human being to ever walk this planet… was mighty. Even as a tiny baby, His mere presence changed the course of history. At the mention of His name, kings kneeled… wise men gathered gifts… and prophecies were fulfilled. God knew exactly what His earth needed… a Savior… a loving, serving, giving, sustaining, providing, merciful, power source that would allow repentant people to have a relationship with their Creator.
So spend part of your Christmas season thanking God for the majesty and power of His Son… thank Him for His provision and His presence in your life. He is all that you need… all you could ever want… all powerful… all-knowing… and everywhere at one time. He is the Alpha and Omega… the Beginning and the End… He is Almighty Lord and Everlasting Savior. Jesus is glorious… and His love for you knows no bounds. You are His masterpiece… and your presence on this planet is purposeful and specific. Never forget that. You matter. How do you know? Because over two-thousand years ago, God sent His Son… as a baby. And that baby would one day grow up to sacrifice Himself on a cross and be resurrected three days later…
For you. For your eternity.
Christ did that so you could live power-filled lives… confident that you don’t have to do it all on your own. Hold your heads up … pray and give thanks… and this Christmas, celebrate the greatest gift this world has ever known.