A man from Berlin, Germany was desperate to bring peace to his marriage. He was quoted as saying “My wife never lets me get a word in edgeways. So I crank up the siren and let it rip for a few minutes. It works every time. Afterwards, it’s real quiet again.” The siren? An old air raid siren that he used to stun his wife into submission. He had it mounted on his roof... and when he felt she was talking too much... he cranked it up. Before long, the 73 year old man lost his siren.. and so much more...
During my time in ministry, I’ve talked to hundreds of couples... and while none have used air raid sirens to silence the other... people have done many things to win arguments or be heard. The Bible tells us that they are missing the point. The goal of a relationship isn’t to have the loudest voice or to keep the other person quiet. Healthy and Godly couples work diligently at submitting... competing not to win... but to out-serve the other. Ephesians 5 tells us that we are to do so out of reverence for Christ! Remember the point isn’t to be right... the point is to be understood. Want to win? Make the choice... siren or servant? It can make all the difference in the world.