Thursday, October 29, 2015


A group called the Worldwide Marriage Encounter has certified that Wilbur and Teresa Faiss of Las Vegas, married in April 1933, are America’s longest married couple.  As they celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary, the couple was asked the secret to a lasting union. 

What do you think it was?  Love?  Admiration?  Trust?  While all of these are essential in a relationship... they actually said: "It's very simple. It's give and take and compromise."  The Bible tells us in Romans 12:10 to “prefer one another in love.”  To put the other person first... out-serve them... and most of all, be willing to give a little ground so that both sides win.   Remember, relationships are not about being right... they’re about being honoring... and when we seek Godly unity over victory, we’re on track for a long and fulfilling time together.