Monday, November 13, 2017

Changes Are On The Way

For the past five years, I've been writing daily devotionals each weekday and posting them here on my Facebook page. I pray that they have been helpful and encouraging. 
I have good news... the devotionals will continue. 
However, I've decided to make a change in the way they're posted. Starting in the next couple of weeks I will be posting one new devotional on a specific day of the week (I'm still deciding which one...probably Mondays). Some of these posts will be me on video and some will be written (and a bit longer than what I've been posting thus far.) 
For the other days of the week, I'll be writing a reading plan filled with verses and material that will help reinforce and further support the devotional. For example, let's say I choose Monday for the devotional... and the topic is "Trust". For Tues-Friday of that week, I will provide some verses to read that are connected to the topic of trust that will enable all of us to gain a deeper understanding.
It's my prayer that this new format will help all of us stay connected with God, come to a better understanding of that week's subject, and grow in our faith like never before. 
I look forward to posting my first one... and here's a hint... that week's topic will be about thanksgiving and contentment. See you soon!
Pastor Troy