Friday, January 29, 2016


In January of 2013, an interesting story came to light about a young man named Matt who lives in Perth, Australia.  After entering a Subway sandwich shop and ordering the footlong sub... he came away sorely disappointed.   You see, he returned to his seat and actually measured the bread.  The result?  It wasn’t even close to the advertised 12 inches that the word “footlong” implies.  When challenged in the media, Subway responded that the word “footlong” is a used to describe the sub and not to be used a a measurement of length.

This got me to thinking about a verse that says the same thing about us... Romans 3:23 tells us “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”    No matter how good we try to be... no matter how much we do... none of us will ever measure up to perfection.  Why?  Sin.  And it’s because of sin that all of us miss God’s mark from time to time.  But take heart.   If we accept Christ as Lord and Savior, that sin is forgiven and we are separated from it forever.  Let’s live as advertised... not perfect but exonerated.  Not flawless but faithful... striving toward our God-potential.  

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Ben Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence at age 70.  Nelson Mandela was not named president of South Africa until he was 76.  Ray Kroc took full ownership of McDonalds at 59 and continued to grow the company into his 80s.  Moses had lived 8 decades before he led his people out of Egypt.  And last but not least... the Apostle John was writing scripture into his 90s.

You might have heard the expression “Age is just a number”... but to the Godly... it’s not just a count of’s an opportunity!  The Bible tells us in Psalm 92:12-14 “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.   For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house.  They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”   Find yourself getting older?  Don’t see it as an excuse to coast!  Today’s passage tells us that you have (or will have) the ability to produce fruit... to change the world... long after those around you choose to retire.  Remember, as long as your heart beats and your lungs take in air... you have a purpose.  Go after every minute... and leave a legacy that honors God and makes an impact in the lives of those that He puts in your path. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


It has been said, “The only thing more painful than learning from experience is not learning from experience.”  A very true statement.  In fact, what we gain from our past is vital to future success.  The Bible calls this wisdom... and it’s not as hard to attain as one might think.  It’s simply a matter of intentionality.  In Proverbs 3, it says: ““Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”  

Want more wisdom?  Want to make better decisions?  Rather than just “getting past”  your challenges, briefly go back and look for the lesson in them.  Once you find one... store it away.  You never know when what seems meaningless now will become priceless in a future situation.  Once applied, these bits of wisdom help others and at the same time put meaning and perspective to our trials.  

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


A 67 year old man known only as “PH” has been diagnosed with a very unique condition.  He hears words before a person’s lips even begin to move!  How does this happen?  Light and sound travel at different speeds, so when someone speaks, both visual and audio signals arrive at different times to our eyes and ears.  Thus, they are processed at different times in our brains.  The brain, in turn, syncs them together to make it look like both arrived simultaneously and the lips match the sound.  In PH’s case... they are kept separate and life looks like a badly dubbed movie!

This condition made me think of Isaiah 65:24: “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!”   God doesn’t need our lips to even move... He hears our hearts... long before we decide to pray about something.  If you ever find yourself looking for the right words to say before you talk to God, don’t worry yourself.  God is well aware... in fact... He’s already working where you can’t see Him on the solution.    

Monday, January 25, 2016


I read of a man in England who spent seven years on a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  Eighty-six year old retiree Jack Harris started the five foot tall puzzle just after Christmas of 2002 and for many years meticulously worked at putting it together.  Sadly, at the end of his journey... after 4999 pieces were placed in their exact spots... the puzzle could not be completed.  The tiny hole in the middle of the puzzle revealed that a piece was missing.

This brought a powerful scripture to mind... Mark 8:36 “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”  So many people live their whole life building wealth... putting together success... acquiring possessions... and come to the end of it without the most important piece:  a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Their picture is incomplete... and as a result they spend eternity separated from Him.   Maybe you know someone who’s working on their puzzle and needs that missing part... be bold!  Share the amazing news of salvation with them... and turn what could be tragic into something triumphant. 

Friday, January 22, 2016


C.S. Lewis once wrote "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

We often forget that we are temporary residents here on Earth... and for the brief time we are here, we have a purpose and a goal:  to share the great news of Christ with the world!   But ultimately, God has created us for much longer than that!  Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that God has set “eternity in the hearts of men.”  If you are a Christ-follower, you will live forever... and all the stresses, strains, and sadness you may be feeling as a part    this planet will eventually give way to everlasting peace.   Until we return home, let’s commit to living every day as effectively as we can... to change this world for Christ so that many more will spend their forever in the presence of the One that created them for greatness.  

Thursday, January 21, 2016


As a Pastor, I am asked a lot of questions.   Some I can answer right away with an encouraging verse of scripture, a bit of advice, or some insight I’ve been given from a similar experience in my own life.  But sometimes there is no way of knowing the answer.  Questions like “Why did God....?”  or “When will I....?”  Only God knows those things.  

My response is always the same... there are some things that we won’t know this side of Heaven.  But it’s important to note that God has answered many of the important questions already!  We know He loves us, He has a destiny for our lives, and that through every pain there is a purpose.  The other answers will have to wait.  1 Corinthians 13 tells us that someday we will see everything with perfect clarity and know things completely.  In the meantime, it just comes down to faith.  While we may not understand the reason or timing of things in life, we can be assured that God does... and someday the questions we have will either be answered or will simply fade away in the presence of Christ Himself.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


When pop culture icon Andy Warhol died in 1987, he left behind more than just art.  As estate executors went in to clean out his home, they discovered a mountain of clutter.  His five story New York house was so packed full of objects of all kinds that at the time of his death, Andy lived in just two small rooms.  

Sometimes I wonder if we do something similar in our minds.  We live with clutter.  Past messes, mistakes, and missteps...  Things we haven’t forgiven ourselves for take up space... forcing us to live small, cramped, and restricted lives.  If that’s you... it’s time to make some room.  Remember, when we ask God to forgive us, Psalm 103 tells us that He does and separates us forever from what we did wrong.  Box up and throw out those things that have tried to define you, confine you, and remind you of the past.  Dance in the new open space and celebrate the second chances that Christ so mercifully gives.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Playing God

Just a few months ago, history was made as the mini-series “The Bible” was aired to record numbers of viewers.  Soon after, the actor who portrayed Jesus was invited to speak to a group of Christian leaders at the National Religious Broadcaster Convention.   They asked him how he felt to play such an important role.  His answer?  “How can you play the Son of God?  You can’t.  What I had the privilege of playing was simply the words of Christ and taking the journey of the Scriptures.”

It was a very humble answer from an actor who understands that he is just that... an actor.   Nobody can properly play Jesus.  So why do so many try in their own lives?  They worry... stress... try to control things... and in so many other ways attempt to be Lord.  Deuteronomy 4:35 tells us that “the Lord is God and there is no other.”   Find yourself trying to be God over your own life?  I’ve got good news.  You don’t have to be.  In fact, you can’t be.  Let God be God... and spend all of that energy praising Him for Who He is and what He does daily for you. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Wash Your Hands

A curator had a difficult time keeping guest’s hands off of the precious furniture and art in his museum so he made a sign:  “Please don’t touch”.   Only problem was that guests ignored it.   Now stressed and desperate, the creative curator had an idea.  The next morning when guests arrived, a new sign sat boldly on a pedestal.  It read:  “Caution: Wash Hands After Touching!”

Fear is quite the motivating factor.   When we think something will hurt us, we are far more likely to heed the warning than if we are just told to stop.  So is the case with sin... and until we understand the complete destruction that sin can cause in our lives, we will be tempted to continue in it.  Deuteronomy 6:24 tells us that we should follow God’s leading (and avoid as much sin as possible) as a matter of survival.  Put yourself in a position to live the best and most God-honoring life you can... understand what uncontrolled sin can do in your life and work hard to keep your heart and hands away from what the enemy means to bring you down. 

Friday, January 15, 2016


Good Housekeeping magazine once asked people to list the five things they first noticed when entering someone’s home.  First, they said they spotted piles of mail laying around... second, dust and cobwebs.  Next, a messy bathroom.  Fourth, dishes in the sink... and lastly, full and overflowing trash cans.  

This got me wondering what people notice when they first look into our lives.  Is it the smile on our face? The style of our clothing?  Or is it something else?  How does our heart look?  What words are we sharing?  Galatians 5:22-23 talk about the fruits of the spirit:  goodness, self-control, patience, peace, etc.  Are those the first things people notice about us?  Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 that people will recognize us by our fruit... so lets be sure that our first impression (and every impression thereafter) reflects Christ who lives within us. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

He Is There

George Douglas found himself out of work.  But unlike many who suffer this setback, he decided that his attitude during the challenge would not be dictated by his circumstances.  So he did a little experiment.   He kept a small notebook in his car... and on the first page of it, he drew two columns... one yes and one no.  Every time he pulled into a parking lot, if there was a space by the front door, he’d put a check in the yes column.   When the only spot was far away, the “no” column would receive the mark.   After seven years and thousands of parking lots... George made an interesting and unexpected discovery.  67% of the time, there was a spot up front.  

What’s the point?  Many times we go through life thinking that the worst will happen.  Things won’t turn out right... we’ll have to park far away... people are out to get us... We passively slip into pessimism without realizing it.    But the reality is... things are not as bad as we sometimes think they are.  God provides.  In fact, Romans 8 tells us that God works for the good of those who love Him.  From something as simple as a close parking space to something as significant as needs and blessings... He is there.  Find yourself wanting to see the glass half-empty?  Don’t.  Instead choose an attitude of gratitude and intentionally look for all the ways God takes care of you each day.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Easy to Dismiss

In the Bible, we frequently read of people contracting leprosy.  This flesh eating bacterial disease caused scarring, disfiguration, and sometimes death by those who suffered from it.  Good thing we don’t have to worry about that anymore...right?  Actually, the truth might surprise you.  Leprosy is still a big problem in many parts of the world.  In fact, in 2011, there were 200,000 new cases of the terrible disease.  

It’s easy to dismiss leprosy as outdated and ancient... even though it isn’t.  Trouble is... some think of sin the same way.  Like it’s some old Biblical idea that doesn’t apply in our lives anymore.  Unfortunately, sin...or missing the mark... is very much a part of today’s world.  Scripture tells us that if we leave sin un-dealt with in our life...scarring happens...pain happens...and we find ourselves drifting further from God’s plan.  How do we deal with sin?  Confess it to God.  Ask Him to forgive us.  He promises to give us grace and a fresh start.   There may not be a cure for sin... but we do know the cause.  Let’s make every decision one that honors God... and we’ll live healthier lives as a result.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I cheat you of your God-given destiny... because you demand your own way.  I cheat you of contentment... because you deserve better than this.  I cheat you of knowledge because you already know it all.  I cheat you of healing... because you are too full of you to forgive.  I cheat you of vision... because you’d rather look in the mirror than out a window.  I cheat you of genuine friendship... because nobody’s going to know the real you.  What am I?  I am pride... and I will cheat you every time.

These sentiments from a poem by Beth Moore paint a bleak but accurate picture of pride in our lives.  It’s a silent and sneaky poison... and many don’t realize that it has taken over their hearts.    In Proverbs 16:18, we read that it is pride that causes destruction and causes people to fall!  The antidote to this poison?   Selflessness.  Jesus modeled it... and wants us all to remember that we are here to serve, love, give to, and lift up those around us.  When we’re doing those things, pride loses it’s grip on our heart and we become a more Godly example to others.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Light Is On

Most of us have seen it at one time or another.  The orange glow of the “check engine” light from the dashboard of our car.   It doesn’t tell us specifically what’s wrong... just that something is... and it needs to be taken care of.   I believe there are two types of people in situations like this... some that obey the prompting and immediately take their car to the garage to be checked out... and some that cover the light with a piece of electrical tape.  

When it comes to our daily lives... God has given us something... or more accurately stated... some One similar:  The Holy Spirit.  He’s the nudge we feel when something isn’t quite right... He’s the tap on the shoulder when what we’re about to say isn’t loving.  But the choice is ours... change our direction based on His guidance or disregard it and do what we want.  Following God’s nudges...and not ignoring the directing of the Holy Spirit... is key to a life that honors Him and runs smoothly toward reaching its potential. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Cover Up

Have you ever made a mistake... lied to someone... needed to cover something up and weren’t sure how to do it?  Did you know that there are companies willing and able to help you with that task?  Sad... but true.  These “Alibi” providers charge a fee and attempt to conceal the damage a person causes.  They create fake documents, counterfeit airline tickets, and phony receipts... all designed to hide what really happened.  In fact, one company goes as far as to make it sound noble... their motto: “Our aim is total peace of mind for you and your family”.  

Lasting peace of mind doesn’t begin with a lie.  It doesn’t thrive in an environment of trickery or cover-ups.  And the results of poor choices always have consequences... whether internally through guilt or externally with break-ups or firings.  Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:7 that we can’t hide from God.  Our actions are known to Him no matter what company we hire to change what people may see.  It’s much better to come clean and begin to heal from the mistake... than it is to falsely believe that we have somehow escaped the consequences of our actions.  God knows our hearts... and He will allow what’s necessary into our lives to prevent us from making the same mistakes in the future.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hard Work

An Ethiopian folk tale tells of a wife’s determination to save her marriage.  The story goes that a couple was having relationship trouble... so the wife goes to a judge and says she needs help.  The judge tells her that he has a magic medicine that will solve her problem.  However, the main ingredient is a hair from a lion’s tail.  Loving her husband, the desperate woman agrees and goes out to acquire the hair.  Day after day she stalks a lion waiting for her opportunity.  Finally, one day she snatches the hair and races back to the judge...eager for the tonic that will save her marriage.  The judge tells her... “that was a very brave thing you did... it took determination, patience, resolve, and courage.  There is no magical potion.  Instead of looking for the quick fix... demonstrate those same things in your relationship... and I promise it will get better.”

Marriage is wonderful.  But I have yet to see one that hasn’t required hard work, compromise, understanding, forgiveness, and honesty to thrive.  If you’re having trouble... don’t scour the bookstore or the internet for a shortcut.  Reinvest your time in what built your bond from the start.  As 1st Corinthians 13 tells us, love isn’t just a feeling... it’s a commitment.  And when energy is spent on reinforcing that commitment rather than regretting it... great things can happen.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


There’s a Swedish Proverb that states:  “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow”

As you read this today... you might be worried about something.  It’s kept you awake... taken over your thoughts... and made prayer time with God seemingly impossible to get through without distraction.  In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul tells us how to deal with these types of burdens:  “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Is worry casting a huge shadow over your life?  Pray and don’t stop until you have an answer.  Be honest... blunt... straightforward with your requests.  Pray specifically and unceasingly... and when God comes through (and He will in His own perfect way and time)... give thanks for what He does.  Worry is destructive and never works.  Give your burdens to God... leave them there... and experience a peace like never before.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Have you ever heard it said that elephants are afraid of mice?  How about that cobras can be charmed by the playing of a flute or that ostriches bury their heads in the sand?  If you (like many) have heard these and accepted them to be true... it’s time to set the record straight.  Elephants are nearly fearless and don’t run from mice... cobras can’t hear sound at all - they are distracted by the movement of the flute.... and ostriches only lower their head to tend to their nests and not bury them.  

Why the zoology lesson?  Simply to make a point.  Often we hear things that we are told are from the Bible... but aren’t.  “This too shall pass”  “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” “Money is the root of all evil” “God will not give you more than you can handle”  -  All of these are attributed to scripture, but the Bible contains none of them.  It’s critical that if we are going to grow as Christ-followers... we need to read the Bible for ourselves.  Study each passage... memorize verses... and before long, we’ll know the difference between man’s catchy sayings... and God’s truth.   

Monday, January 4, 2016


The story is told of a group of teens who were enjoying a party , and someone suggested they go to a certain restaurant for a good time. “I’d rather you take me home,” Jan said to her date. “My parents don’t approve of that place.” “Afraid your father will hurt you?” one of the girls asked sarcastically.  “No,” Jan replied, “I’m not afraid my father will hurt me, but I am afraid I might hurt him.”

Like in this story, if we’re not careful, we’ll begin to think of God as a punishing and vengeful Father... just waiting to catch us doing something wrong and then zapping us for it.  That isn’t His character at all.  Fact is, we should avoid sin because we love God and He loves us... we don’t want to hurt and disappoint the One who unconditionally waits for us with open arms and nail-scarred hands.   As we partner together to reach our God-potential, it’s important to understand the depth of His love and the reasons behind why obedience is always the right and God-honoring decision.