Have you ever made a mistake... lied to someone... needed to cover something up and weren’t sure how to do it? Did you know that there are companies willing and able to help you with that task? Sad... but true. These “Alibi” providers charge a fee and attempt to conceal the damage a person causes. They create fake documents, counterfeit airline tickets, and phony receipts... all designed to hide what really happened. In fact, one company goes as far as to make it sound noble... their motto: “Our aim is total peace of mind for you and your family”.
Lasting peace of mind doesn’t begin with a lie. It doesn’t thrive in an environment of trickery or cover-ups. And the results of poor choices always have consequences... whether internally through guilt or externally with break-ups or firings. Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:7 that we can’t hide from God. Our actions are known to Him no matter what company we hire to change what people may see. It’s much better to come clean and begin to heal from the mistake... than it is to falsely believe that we have somehow escaped the consequences of our actions. God knows our hearts... and He will allow what’s necessary into our lives to prevent us from making the same mistakes in the future.