Monday, January 4, 2016


The story is told of a group of teens who were enjoying a party , and someone suggested they go to a certain restaurant for a good time. “I’d rather you take me home,” Jan said to her date. “My parents don’t approve of that place.” “Afraid your father will hurt you?” one of the girls asked sarcastically.  “No,” Jan replied, “I’m not afraid my father will hurt me, but I am afraid I might hurt him.”

Like in this story, if we’re not careful, we’ll begin to think of God as a punishing and vengeful Father... just waiting to catch us doing something wrong and then zapping us for it.  That isn’t His character at all.  Fact is, we should avoid sin because we love God and He loves us... we don’t want to hurt and disappoint the One who unconditionally waits for us with open arms and nail-scarred hands.   As we partner together to reach our God-potential, it’s important to understand the depth of His love and the reasons behind why obedience is always the right and God-honoring decision.