Comedian Fred Allen once quipped: “A celebrity is a person who works all his life to become well-known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.”
While we may chuckle at this remark, many of us live our lives the same way. We work hard to get somewhere…only to realize that it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and try to change it. Why does this happen? I contend that the biggest mistakes we make in this area are in the very first steps. We don’t consult God. We don’t let Him in on the decision making process or ask Him to point us in the right initial direction. And when our Creator is left out of the loop… we find ourselves careening off in the wrong direction… all the while thinking we are on our way to the top of the ladder of success.
We may reach the top of that ladder… only to find that it’s leaning against the wrong wall. And then what? Do we blame ourselves for poor choices? Sadly, many times we blame God. The only way to correct this is to go to God first in prayer… asking Him what’s best… and then having the maturity and courage to follow His lead. He will make sure that once we get to where we’re going… we’ll be glad we’re there!