Wednesday, January 7, 2015

God Is There

Do you remember playing hide and go seek?  I do.  My brothers and I would play it when we were little… and I was pretty good.  I remember being hidden and hearing their voices as they’d get closer… the butterflies in my stomach as I got nervous they’d find me… the sound of their feet getting louder against the wood floor… all part of the game.  Sometimes they’d discover me, but many times they wouldn’t.  I was good at hiding from them and enjoyed knowing that I could fool them at will.

Many feel that way about God.  Over time, they become quite good at hiding from Him.  Or, if not physically, they hide things about themselves from Him.  I guess they figure that if they don’t say it out loud.. He doesn’t know.  Maybe if they avoid accountability, God never finds them or discovers what they’ve done.   The Bible sets it straight in Psalm 139.  In it, David says that no matter where he goes… God is there.  He is all-knowing… all-powerful… and everywhere at one time.  It may be tempting to hide… but there are far greater results when we step out into the light and reveal what God already knows.  When we talk to Him and tell Him what’s inside us… He can begin the healing process in our hearts.  Find yourself in the shadows today?  Spend some time talking with the One who already knows what put you there and wants to guide you back into the sunlight.