Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wash Your Hands

A curator had a difficult time keeping guest’s hands off of the precious furniture and art in his museum so he made a sign:  “Please don’t touch”.   Only problem was that guests ignored it.   Now stressed and desperate, the creative curator had an idea.  The next morning when guests arrived, a new sign sat boldly on a pedestal.  It read:  “Caution: Wash Hands After Touching!”

Fear is quite the motivating factor.   When we think something will hurt us, we are far more likely to heed the warning than if we are just told to stop.  So is the case with sin... and until we understand the complete destruction that sin can cause in our lives, we will be tempted to continue in it.  Deuteronomy 6:24 tells us that we should follow God’s leading (and avoid as much sin as possible) as a matter of survival.  Put yourself in a position to live the best and most God-honoring life you can... understand what uncontrolled sin can do in your life and work hard to keep your heart and hands away from what the enemy means to bring you down.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

Five Things

Good Housekeeping magazine once asked people to list the five things they first noticed when entering someone’s home.  First, they said they spotted piles of mail laying around... second, dust and cobwebs.  Next, a messy bathroom.  Fourth, dishes in the sink... and lastly, full and overflowing trash cans.  

This got me wondering what people notice when they first look into our lives.  Is it the smile on our face? The style of our clothing?  Or is it something else?  How does our heart look?  What words are we sharing?  Galatians 5:22-23 talk about the fruits of the spirit:  goodness, self-control, patience, peace, etc.  Are those the first things people notice about us?  Jesus tells us in Matthew 7 that people will recognize us by our fruit... so lets be sure that our first impression (and every impression thereafter) reflects Christ who lives within us.   

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Different Attitude

George Douglas found himself out of work.  But unlike many who suffer this setback, he decided that his attitude during the challenge would not be dictated by his circumstances.  So he did a little experiment.   He kept a small notebook in his car... and on the first page of it, he drew two columns... one yes and one no.  Every time he pulled into a parking lot, if there was a space by the front door, he’d put a check in the yes column.   When the only spot was far away, the “no” column would receive the mark.   After seven years and thousands of parking lots... George made an interesting and unexpected discovery.  67% of the time, there was a spot up front.  

What’s the point?  Many times we go through life thinking that the worst will happen.  Things won’t turn out right... we’ll have to park far away... people are out to get us... We passively slip into pessimism without realizing it.    But the reality is... things are not as bad as we sometimes think they are.  God provides.  In fact, Romans 8 tells us that God works for the good of those who love Him.  From something as simple as a close parking space to something as significant as needs and blessings... He is there.  Find yourself wanting to see the glass half-empty?  Don’t.  Instead choose an attitude of gratitude and intentionally look for all the ways God takes care of you each day.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Painting a Picture

After church one Sunday afternoon, a four-year-old boy said, very seriously, "Daddy, will you let me baptize you?”  The father laughed it off as a joke but then realized that his son was serious, because he kept asking him, "Daddy, will you let me baptize you?”  Finally, not knowing if his son even knew what "baptism" meant, the father said, "Okay son. You can baptize me."
The son then came very close to his father, looked intently into his eyes, and said, "You're getting sleepy. You're getting sleepy. . . “

So many don’t get baptized because (like the boy in the story above) they don’t know really understand what it is.  

Baptism is simply showing the world that you have made a decision to follow Christ.  
  • Maybe you raised your hand during a service and prayed the prayer of salvation.  
  • Maybe you prayed that prayer long ago and never took that first step of obedience by getting into the waters of baptism.
  • Maybe you were Christened as a child in the Catholic Church and hesitate to get baptized as an adult.  Remember, baptism as an adult doesn’t disqualify or negate the baptism you had as a child.  We see it as confirming or completing it.  You are telling your parents who had you baptized as a baby that you are now living out the faith they had in mind when you were Christened back then.  
  • Maybe you want to rededicate your life to Christ and enter the waters for a second time.  The Bible doesn’t address the number of times a person can be baptized…  only that each time they do it, they are rededicating themselves to live a life that honors God.
Baptism paints the picture to the world of what you have already decided on the inside.  It’s a great message to friends and family about what God is doing in your life… and illustrates the decision you’ve made to give everything you understand about yourself to everything you understand about God.  

What’s holding you back from getting baptized?   Take today and search your heart…  If you’ve made the decision to follow God with your life… why not join us at the beach near one of our campuses this weekend?  You won’t regret the decision… and you’ll have a lot of fun in the process.  Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Before reading today’s devotional, please watch this amazing story of life change from one of our Potential Church family members:  

Here’s the link:   https://vimeo.com/106986181

“Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”  Acts 2:38

“So beginning with this same Scripture, Philip told him [the eunuch] the Good News about Jesus.

As they rode along, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Look! There’s some water! Why can’t I be baptized?”  He ordered the carriage to stop, and they went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.”  Acts 8:35-38

If you are a Christ follower and have never been baptized...

It’s time.  

Scripture tells us that baptism is the very first thing we are supposed to do after asking Jesus to come into our lives as Lord and Savior.  When we don’t do it for some reason (and there are many reasons we try to come up with...), we are being disobedient to God’s plan for our lives.   This disobedience puts a cap on our growth as Christ-followers...as leaders...as spouses...as boyfriends/girlfriends...

The very first thing God asks us to do after salvation... and we say no.   

Baptism may not solve all of our problems….

But it does put us in position for God’s blessings.

And God certainly wants to bless our lives, our relationships, and our families more than we could ever know.  What’s holding that back?   Perhaps it’s not taking that one simple step into the waters of baptism.  I am praying that you would respond to the nudge and join us at the beach this Sunday at one of our campuses.  Details can be found here:  http://potentialchurch.com/baptism/

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Silent and Sneaky

I cheat you of your God-given destiny... because you demand your own way.  I cheat you of contentment... because you deserve better than this.  I cheat you of knowledge because you already know it all.  I cheat you of healing... because you are too full of you to forgive.  I cheat you of vision... because you’d rather look in the mirror than out a window.  I cheat you of genuine friendship... because nobody’s going to know the real you.  What am I?  I am pride... and I will cheat you every time.

These sentiments from a poem by Beth Moore paint a bleak but accurate picture of pride in our lives.  It’s a silent and sneaky poison... and many don’t realize that it has taken over their hearts.    In Proverbs 16:18, we read that it is pride that causes destruction and causes people to fall!  The antidote to this poison?   Selflessness.  Jesus modeled it... and wants us all to remember that we are here to serve, love, give to, and lift up those around us.  When we’re doing those things, pride loses it’s grip on our heart and we become a more Godly example to others.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Most of us have seen it at one time or another.  The orange glow of the “check engine” light from the dashboard of our car.   It doesn’t tell us specifically what’s wrong... just that something is... and it needs to be taken care of.   I believe there are two types of people in situations like this... some that obey the prompting and immediately take their car to the garage to be checked out... and some that cover the light with a piece of electrical tape.  

When it comes to our daily lives... God has given us something... or more accurately stated... some One similar:  The Holy Spirit.  He’s the nudge we feel when something isn’t quite right... He’s the tap on the shoulder when what we’re about to say isn’t loving.  But the choice is ours... change our direction based on His guidance or disregard it and do what we want.  Following God’s nudges...and not ignoring the directing of the Holy Spirit... is key to a life that honors Him and runs smoothly toward reaching its potential. 

Speaking of nudges from the Holy Spirit… are you feeling the nudge to get baptized?  If so, I want to remind you that beach baptism is coming up this weekend at our campuses.  For times, locations, and additional information, please check our website:  http://potentialchurch.com/baptism/

Sunday, September 21, 2014

No Magical Potion

An Ethiopian folk tale tells of a wife’s determination to save her marriage.  The story goes that a couple was having relationship trouble... so the wife goes to a judge and says she needs help.  The judge tells her that he has a magic medicine that will solve her problem.  However, the main ingredient is a hair from a lion’s tail.  Loving her husband, the desperate woman agrees and goes out to acquire the hair.  Day after day she stalks a lion waiting for her opportunity.  Finally, one day she snatches the hair and races back to the judge...eager for the tonic that will save her marriage.  The judge tells her... “that was a very brave thing you did... it took determination, patience, resolve, and courage.  There is no magical potion.  Instead of looking for the quick fix... demonstrate those same things in your relationship... and I promise it will get better.”

Marriage is wonderful.  But I have yet to see one that hasn’t required hard work, compromise, understanding, forgiveness, and honesty to thrive.  If you’re having trouble... don’t scour the bookstore or the internet for a shortcut.  Reinvest your time in what built your bond from the start.  As 1st Corinthians 13 tells us, love isn’t just a feeling... it’s a commitment.  And when energy is spent on reinforcing that commitment rather than regretting it... great things can happen.  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

One Piece

I read of a man in England who spent seven years on a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  Eighty-six year old retiree Jack Harris started the five foot tall puzzle just after Christmas of 2002 and for many years meticulously worked at putting it together.  Sadly, at the end of his journey... after 4999 pieces were placed in their exact spots... the puzzle could not be completed.  The tiny hole in the middle of the puzzle revealed that a piece was missing.

This brought a powerful scripture to mind... Mark 8:36 “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”  So many people live their whole life building wealth... putting together success... acquiring possessions... and come to the end of it without the most important piece:  a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Their picture is incomplete... and as a result they spend eternity separated from Him.   Maybe you know someone who’s working on their puzzle and needs that missing part... be bold!  Share the amazing news of salvation with them... and turn what could be tragic into something triumphant.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Lot of Questions

As a Pastor, I am asked a lot of questions.   Some I can answer right away with an encouraging verse of scripture, a bit of advice, or some insight I’ve been given from a similar experience in my own life.  But sometimes there is no way of knowing the answer.  Questions like “Why did God....?”  or “When will I....?”  Only God knows those things.  

My response is always the same... there are some things that we won’t know this side of Heaven.  But it’s important to note that God has answered many of the important questions already!  We know He loves us, He has a destiny for our lives, and that through every pain there is a purpose.  The other answers will have to wait.  1 Corinthians 13 tells us that someday we will see everything with perfect clarity and know things completely.  In the meantime, it just comes down to faith.  While we may not understand the reason or timing of things in life, we can be assured that God does... and someday the questions we have will either be answered or will simply fade away in the presence of Christ Himself.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Any Way You Slice It

For years, Rob Goodhue watched his wife cut grapes one at a time… laboriously slicing them individually.  Some slipping from her fingers and others falling onto the floor.  He knew that there had to be another way.  Rob was an executive chef for many years at a country club and had developed a method that he now chose to pass along to his beloved.  He told her to take a plate and place it onto the plate of grapes she was trying to slice.  Then simply slip a knife between the plates and pull it across.  Voila!  Sliced grapes!  No mess, no injury, and very little effort.  Rob’s method has since gone viral across the internet leading one commenter to call him “the most genius husband in the universe.”

Maybe not the “most genius” but certainly willing to think differently.

What is it in your life that needs a little different way of looking at it?  What hasn’t been working that could with a little thought and prayer?  Is there an outdated method in your life?  Have you been doing it the same way for so long that you’ve concluded that it’s the only way it can be done?  If so, God has a word for you today… It’s found in the book of Isaiah 43:19.  God said: 

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  

God is the God of new… of growth… of change.  He wants us to pursue His ways with everything we have… to see the desert as opportunity and not a burden.   Feeling stuck today?  Not making any progress?  Turn to God who wants to reignite the creativity and passion in your life!  Don’t settle for the way things are if they aren’t the best they can be.  

Take a minute… grab a plate… and ask the question “What if?  What if the way I’ve been doing it isn’t the way God wants it done?”  Accept the challenge of God’s “new” over your “routine”  Refuse to settle for mediocre and chase magnificent.   He has a new thing for your life…a new way of thinking or doing… that if you are bold enough to embrace it will change your forever.  

Soon enough you’ll find yourself doing more than just painlessly slicing grapes… you’ll be reaching your God potential.  

Monday, September 15, 2014


“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant” 1 Corinthians 13:4

“You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” James 5:8

“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,” Romans 5:3

“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,” Colossians 1:11

“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.” James 5:7

“Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” Ecclesiastes 7:8

“I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary.” Revelation 2:3

Today... be patient.
Wait on God.
And when the storm blows over, you will be stronger. 
You will soar again... you will be free.

I'm praying for you.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chisel or Paintbrush?

Both the artist and the gardener start their work by thinking... they look at what they have and decide how to proceed.  The gardner looks carefully at the landscape; the existing plants, both flowers and weeds; the way the sun falls, and so on. The artist sees their subject, the canvas, the paint that they have at their disposal, and the brushes or chisel that sit idly by.. After they’re done thinking, the artist and the gardener begin their work... they both bring their creativity and effort to their respective projects.  The gardener tends what has gone before, making the most of what is beautiful and weeding out what is distracting or useless. The artist can be more daring... they start with a blank canvas or a solid piece of stone and gradually... ever so carefully, they take the paint to the canvas or the chisel to the stone and make something out of it that wasn’t there before.

Maintain what was there before... or create something that’s never been.

Which does God want us to do in our lives?  Pull weeds or blaze trails?   Tidy up what’s already in place or make moves to create new?  The short answer?  both.

Gardener, think back to yesterday.. what worked?  What didn’t?  Keep the good thoughts and actions and ask God how you can sift out the bad.  What needs to be replanted or moved around in your life?  What needed to take priority that didn’t?   What (or who) could use a little more TLC?  What was neglected and is withering away?  If it honored God...if it helped you move forward in your walk with Christ...if it reflected God’s character... water it.  If not, it needs to be uprooted and eliminated from your precious daily minutes.

Artist... today is a blank canvas ready to create something brand new...  What are you planning?  What is something you've been putting off that you've never done before but want to or should?  How about one full day of fasting and prayer about that challenge in your life?  Maybe a phone call to the person you struggled to forgive and tell them you're moving past it?  Perhaps your blank canvas could be filled with giving your troubles to God...and not taking them back.   Something new...something you've never done before during a day.  Be creative! 

God wants us to maximize our lives... both by weeding out and beautifying what has been and looking for brand new things to do that help us become the person we were created to be.  Keep what honors God and moves us to be more like Him, dig out and throw away what's getting in our way from doing so.  Be bold enough to take new ground. To create a new masterpiece... to fill the empty canvas of today with brand-new, beautiful and God-honoring thoughts and actions. 

You are both caretaker and world-changer... manager and pioneer... gardener and artist.

Two roles.  One day.  One you.  Are you ready?

Let’s go.   

Thursday, September 11, 2014

God's Arms

Nothing is impossible through Christ.  Nothing.  

That marriage that seems like there’s no hope.  Recovery is possible.  The low bank balance.  Replenishment is possible.  An uncontrollable teenager… a demanding boss… a medical setback?   All solvable.  All doable.  All possible through the One who promises that He will never leave nor forsake us.  (Deut. 31:8)

When we have no more stamina… He carries us.

When we are out of answers… He assures us that He has all that we’ll need. 

When the world tells us we’re nothing… He reminds us that we are more than just something.   We’re a masterpiece.   

His arms are strong enough for our heaviest burdens.

In 1 Peter 5, we read about God’s “mighty” hand!    No matter where we find ourselves today... God’s hand will be big enough.  He’ll cradle us with it when it hurts. He’ll provide for our needs with it.  We can grab it when we’re nervous and it will be there to protect us.  

Today, don’t live limited by what you can carry in your own hand... give it to Him... He is more than strong enough. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Spider

I read a report that a Seattle man accidentally burnt his house to the ground after trying to kill a spider with a cigarette lighter and a can of spray paint. The man later told police that the spider had been lurking in the laundry, and he had accidentally lit the wall on fire with his makeshift flame thrower.  Just a few weeks earlier, Ginny Griffith of Hutchinson, Kansas, lit her laundry on fire after seeing a spider crawl into a pile of towels. The fire quickly got out of hand, and her home went up in flames. She's been charged with aggravated arson.

A makeshift blowtorch to kill a tiny and very scared arachnid.  Unnecessary force in a manageable situation.  The result?  Catastrophe.  

Sounds a lot like what many of us do when problems erupt in our lives.  Something rears its head and instead of a calm and appropriate reaction… we go off.  Raised voices… flailing arms… blood pressure creeps up and tolerance levels drop down.  We overreact.  It’s common but it’s not Biblical. 

The Scriptures tell us in the book of Proverbs 17:27… “A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered.”   This verse tells us that it’s the truly wise person who sees challenging circumstances as an opportunity to grow in good judgment and gain an understanding of God’s will for their lives.  

You don’t need a sledgehammer to kill a fly.  The next time things start to heat up in your corner of life… take a deep breath and think.  Just think.

Allow your mind to play out the scenario of what might happen if you discharge an impromptu blowtorch on cotton towels… or what might happen to your relationship… or to your reputation as a follower of Christ.  If you are a Christian, people are watching.  Do they see even-temperedness and control in time of stress in your life?  Or are they calling the fire department because you couldn’t control your reaction to a spider?   Think first and act (not react) second.   And if “ready, fire, aim” is your standard… be bold enough to make a change today.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Follow Me

In the book Scully, there is a dialogue between Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple Computers and John Scully, who at the time was president of Pepsi. Jobs was attempting to recruit Scully for the top job at Apple and he asked Scully, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”

Great question.  But Jesus asked a similar one centuries before to Peter and Andrew...

   “As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”  At once they left their nets and followed him.”  Matthew 4:18-20

...and to Matthew 

“As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.”  Matthew 9:9

Essentially, Jesus asked... Do you want to spend the rest of your life fishing, tax collecting, etc.  or do you want to change the world?  Do you want to make an impact here on Earth... or for eternity?  

He’s asking the same thing to us.  Think about yesterday... was it lived for Christ?  Did you extend grace?  Help someone in need?  Share the Gospel with someone?  Donate, sacrifice, or assist? Pray? Read the Bible?  Make a change that will improve your quality of life?  Who did we choose to follow yesterday?  Are we selling sugar water or changing the world?

If you choose Jesus... what does that mean?  How does a world-changer live?

Unselfishly - Others first
Intentionally - Today matters
Hopefully - I will never give up
Lovingly - Unconditional and complete love
Generously - Giving obediently
Gracefully - 2nd chances… and 22nd chances to those that hurt me
Confidently - God’s got this.

Sugar-water sellers do what they did yesterday.    Clinging to the status quo like a security blanket... choosing survival over sacrifice.  They tread water in an ocean of mediocrity.  You weren’t born for that.  You’re meant to be a world-changer.  World-changers are called by Jesus to stand out... to give everything to Him.  Today... choose Christ over convenience.  Break the mold of yesterday and emerge stronger... ready to drop everything, follow Him, and be a living example of Christ’s heart.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

As If They Had Never Been Away

At the end of the Civil War, President Lincoln was asked how he was going to treat Southerners when they returned to the Union. The questioner expected that Lincoln would be bitter... vengeful... certainly he would make them earn their way back in... His answer... "I will treat them as if they had never been away."

An unusual response.  After all, the Southerners that had seceded from the Union had killed thousands of northern soldiers... destroyed property... and seemed to support everything the North had fought to change.  Why wouldn’t Lincoln make them pay?  Why didn’t the president seek to even the score... make them come crawling back... cause them to suffer for what they had done?  History wouldn’t have blamed him, right?

Why didn’t Lincoln do these things?  Because he understood the truth as told in Romans 12:17-21

“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ To the contrary, ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

This is one of those passages of scripture that many like to read quickly and move on.  After all, look at the list of what God tells us to do... 

Repay evil with good...
Do what’s honorable when the other person hasn’t been honorable...
Live peaceably with others when they don’t deserve it...
Don’t seek revenge...
Be kind to our enemies...

How?  Why?  Doesn’t seem fair does it.   The world screams to get even... and God says don’t.  Our friends tell us to make them pay... and God says “Trust Me, I’ll take care of it.”  Why would anyone follow these directives?  Why would anybody treat people better than they were treated?  Why would someone give up their right to settle things their own way?

Simple.  Because that’s what Christ did.  Sinless Christ.  The King of Kings.  All man... all God... perfect and unblemished.  He climbed up and let His own creation nail Him to a cross... pierce His side with a spear... put a crown of ragged thorns on His head… And as people mocked and spit at Him.... He was forgiving those doing it before the saliva could even dry.  So much injustice... so much undeserved hatred toward the Son of God...

Met with so much love.  Jesus chose to show compassion and forgive.  Why should we waive our right at revenge?  Because Christ did.

I can imagine your thoughts as you read this....  Pastor, you don’t know what they did.  If I treat them this way...they win, don’t they?  If I turn the other cheek...they’ll just hit me on that one too....Jesus didn’t say it would be easy...  But real growth...real faith... real and long lasting change never is.  Resist the urge to dismiss these verses as impossible.  Don’t give in to the enemy telling you that this doesn’t apply...  doing the Godly thing is rarely popular or easy...

However, it is obedient.  It is blessable.  And it is always the right choice...  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Don't Rush

To live the life you’ve always wanted you can’t be hurried.  

No rush.  No elevated heartbeat as you race to your next destination.  No hypertension... no ticking clock... no must-do agenda.  When we become hurried and push ourselves too hard, we lose the ability and capacity to love others.  Love takes time... and we can’t give what we don’t have.  If we are too busy... we might not be loving those around us at the level they need us to.  Plus, when we are in a hurry, we get angry much more quickly.   Our fuse shortens.  We snap at those we love... hoping that they’ll understand the pressure we’re under.  The closer the relationship it seems... the harsher the tone we use.  They’ll get over it... they are family.  


I talk to so many who claim that they have to hurry to get everything done.  I contend that if we can’t stop during our day to love people... take care of ourselves... and most importantly, talk to and praise God... than we’re too busy.   

Hurry sickness is real... and it’s not Biblical.  So many claim to follow Christ.  If Christ is their leader... than why do they spend their waking hours trying to outrun Him?  To outdo Him?  To handle things they aren’t supposed to in an attempt to win more favor from Him... so that He’ll bless them with even more opportunity... so they can add more to an already overbooked schedule.  You can’t earn favor.  He gives that away freely because He loves you unconditionally. 

If you are following Christ.  Follow Him.  He’s not running.  

While He was on the earth, Jesus Christ was never in a hurry.  He walked slowly enough to feel an old woman tug at his robe... stopped long enough to visit with Mary and Martha... and allowed little children to run up to Him so He could give them a hug.  Christ-followers stay behind their leader.  They let Him set the pace.

I know what some of you are saying... Pastor, that’s easy for you to say... you don’t live my life!  You’re right.  You are busy and it’s hard.  You’ve got bills to pay, kids to feed, and a boss that gives you the workload of two employees.  You’ve got professors who give you massive papers to write at the same time... a leaky roof... and in-laws who insist on calling you and telling you how disappointed they are in you.  I hear you...  But I also know that God has asked us to do two things:  Love Him first and love our neighbors as ourselves.  In fact, love is what we are supposed to be known for...

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13:35

Do you have time to love others?  To hear their needs?  To empathize with their situations?   LIfe isn’t about how much we can pack in before we head out... it’s about how many people we come into contact with and affect with the love of Christ.   I’m not saying you can abandon what you need to do to get through things.  What I am saying is that you’ve got to spend some time re-prioritizing and choosing the great tasks over just the good ones.   Commit today to look for some open space in your schedule and purposefully use it to read God’s Word and love others.  Make a list of the most important people in your life... do they know you love them?  When was the last time they got some uninterrupted quality time with you?  Maybe it’s been too long.  Maybe you’ve come down with a case of hurry sickness.  We want to partner together with you to help you discover and embrace the cure...

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’”  Matthew 11:28

Have heavy burdens?
Stressed out? 

Come to Christ.  He will give you the rest you seek.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Watch Your Words

“And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong.  In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.”   James 3:4-5

Words change things.  They cause leaders to fall and the unlikely hero to rise.  They make people do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do.   They are persuasive and transformational.   Words are powerful.  It only takes a few syllables to change an entire situation.  Perspectives to shift... minds to change...  The tongue can bring hope and a word on a page can alter the way you see things forever.  In today’s verse, we see a parallel drawn between the relatively small rudder of a ship and our tongue.  Both steer things.  Both can shift direction.  Both can cause big change.  

Sometimes words can be positive...  A different way of saying something can make things better... more descriptive... clearer.   Huge results can come from just a few well spoken phrases.   Jesus Himself used the perfect words at the perfect time to remind us that we aren’t perfect... but we are His. 

But sometimes words can hurt. 

They can cut us deeply and cause us to doubt ourselves and the size of our God.   Maybe someone you know has hurt you with their words... and maybe you’ve started to believe what they said about you.   Perhaps you’ve allowed your tongue to say a few things that caused some damage... and you don’t know how to fix it.  I want to challenge you today to think about words differently.  Monitor each word that you say....or text... or instagram...or tweet....  Ask yourself... is this going to build a person up?  Make the world a better place?  Reflect Christ?  Am I controlling my tongue or is it controlling me?  

It’s much better to think through our words before they leave our lips than it is to rebuild the damage caused by careless remarks.  When we make the choice to honor God with every syllable... we worship the One who loves us and created us with a purpose. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It Adds Up

“Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world:
   “Peace and prosperity to you!
“I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel.
   For he is the living God, 
      and he will endure forever. 
   His kingdom will never be destroyed, 
      and his rule will never end.”   -  Daniel 6:25-26

     We’ve all faced them.... You are standing in line at Universal Studios and the sign says “Children 9 and younger” get in at a reduced price.  Your daughter just turned 10.  What do you do?  It’s the middle of the night and you pull up to a red light.  You look left, right... nobody.   In fact, there are no headlights to be found anywhere...other than yours.  What do you do?  Run the light or stay put?  Too much change at a convenience store?   An extra zero on your tax return?  

     Our reputation is based on choices such as these.  What may seem like small decisions here or there actually determine many things.  How do we see ourselves?  Are we comfortable with past choices, our morality, or our closeness to God based on what we’ve decided in the past?  How do others see us?  What is our reputation around people that we partner with throughout the day?  Do we set the example... or are we swayed by the popular or selfish thing to do?

Today’s verse talks about a very well known person from the Bible:  Daniel.  He was an advisor to King Darius of the Persians and had an airtight reputation.  Many of the nobles under the king spent a lot of time trying to find flaws in Daniel’s decision making... did he ever compromise what he knew to be right?  Was he disloyal?  Was he reflecting his God or himself?  Did he make the right decision regardless of the cost or did he sell out to selfishness?  They were convinced that Daniel’s reputation couldn’t be that spotless...

But it was. In fact, King Darius was so impressed with Daniel that he declared to all of his people that they should serve Daniel’s God!  Daniel’s reputation for doing the right thing at all times reflected God’s character!   His choices weren’t always easy...and they cost him in many ways... but he knew that to be a person who honored God, he had to do so in all areas of his life.  You will have many decisions today... and many chances to reflect God in the way you handle them.  Tread with wisdom.  What you choose to do in the small things adds up...and the way others see you (and God) is affected. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Learning to Swim

“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. 3 Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Matthew 18:2-3

    When Tyler (my oldest son) was young and just learning how to swim, he scared me.  Not just me... but my wife Stephanie as well.  While other children put on inflatable water wings and “floaties” and such, Tyler dove right into the deep end of the pool to practice.  Time and time again we told him to stay toward the steps.  It didn’t work.  Before we knew it he was back down to the 7 foot end trying his luck with the stronger swimmers.  As I think back, I realize now why Tyler must have been confident enough to jump into water that was twice as deep as he was tall... he had faith.  He knew that if he got into trouble, dad would be right there to get him out of it.  I wouldn’t stand on the pool edge and point my finger and tell him “I told you so!”  No, he trusted me and he felt safe...just because I was there.

    Today’s verse talks about that type of trust.  Jesus says in Matthew 18 that we are to “turn from your sins and become like little children” if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  What did He mean?  Isn’t being childlike something that we are trying to avoid in our maturing process?  

     What Jesus meant wasn’t regressing back to our former ways.   He meant simply that our faith needs to be complete.  Our Heavenly Father sits poolside while we stand at the edge of the water.  Do we jump in?  Can we trust Him?  We can’t stop worrying over bills and car problems and aging and productivity numbers and everything else that makes us need a massage.  What if we jump in and He’s not enough?  What if we swallow too much water and start to sink?  What if our feet can’t touch the bottom?  Where is the bottom?  If I can’t see the bottom, how do I know it’s safe?  Is God enough?  Will He protect me?

     A child doesn’t think of these things.  They see water.  They glance over to see if their parents are watching... and they jump.  Two seconds of silence until they break the surface and sink below the waterline.  Blissfully trusting that if anything were to happen...they were protected.   They don’t ignore the dangers, they just don’t focus on them.  They see dad.  They know he’s there.  They enjoy the journey without worrying about the possibilities of failure.  When Jesus tells us to become like little children, He’s not telling us to stay oblivious to what the world throws at us.   He’s telling us to look to Him, trust Him completely, and jump.  Dive into what God has for you!  It’s THAT kind of faith that not only gets us to Heaven, but allows us to enjoy the swim of life along the way!

Monday, September 1, 2014

In Your Corner

Boxer Muhammad Ali was once asked “What’s the greatest lesson you’ve ever learned?”

Ali thought a minute... and answered with a story about his famed match with Sonny Liston:  “Liston was the strongest man I’d ever fought. Every time I hit him, it hurt me worse than it did him. I gave him everything I had. When the sixth round ended, I was completely spent. I couldn’t even raise my arms. I couldn’t even stand up to go back onto the ring. ‘I’m goin’ home!’ I told [trainer] Angelo Dundee. ‘I’m not going back in there!’  Hearing this, Dundee demanded that Ali get ready to go in. Ali refused. The bell rang, and still Ali didn’t leave his seat. Dundee pushed him and shouted, ‘Get in there and don’t come out until you’re the heavyweight champion of the world.’  Ali struggled to his feet. Liston didn’t.  At the end of that fight, Muhammad Ali, then Cassius Clay, was the new heavyweight champion of the world.  ‘The greatest lesson I’ve learned,’ Ali said, ‘is to have someone pushin’ you and makin’ you do things you don’t think you can do.’”

Some of you reading this have given it everything you’ve got.  You’re spent.  Exhausted.  Not sure how you’re going to get through that tough opponent staring you down in the other corner.  Life has hit you hard and you aren’t excited about the possibilities of getting hit again.  You need someone in your corner.  You need an Angelo Dundee...  someone pushing you to get back up and fight... Who is that in your life?   If nobody comes to mind, I have good news for you today.  Christ is in your corner...

Philippians 4:13 “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

Psalm 27:1  “The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,
    so why should I tremble?”

Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

He’s with you everywhere.  He’s all the strength you’ll need.  You can do anything with Him by your side. I know it’s hard.  I know you want to stop from time to time.  As your Pastor, my heart hurts for all that I see (or hear/read about) happening in your life.  I pray for you and your family... that you would be reminded that what you are enduring is for a season.  You’ll make it through... you’ll persevere... you will see the sun again no matter how dark it feels today.   Those verses that you just read... they are for you.  God wrote them with you on His mind.  

I want to remind you that you are never alone... the fight isn’t just you vs. the world....

Jesus is there... and He’s nudging you back out into the ring of life.  It won’t always be an easy fight... and you may take hits from time to time... but just remember, no matter how tough it gets, the One in your corner is stronger than the one in the world’s.