For years, Rob Goodhue watched his wife cut grapes one at a time… laboriously slicing them individually. Some slipping from her fingers and others falling onto the floor. He knew that there had to be another way. Rob was an executive chef for many years at a country club and had developed a method that he now chose to pass along to his beloved. He told her to take a plate and place it onto the plate of grapes she was trying to slice. Then simply slip a knife between the plates and pull it across. Voila! Sliced grapes! No mess, no injury, and very little effort. Rob’s method has since gone viral across the internet leading one commenter to call him “the most genius husband in the universe.”
Maybe not the “most genius” but certainly willing to think differently.
What is it in your life that needs a little different way of looking at it? What hasn’t been working that could with a little thought and prayer? Is there an outdated method in your life? Have you been doing it the same way for so long that you’ve concluded that it’s the only way it can be done? If so, God has a word for you today… It’s found in the book of Isaiah 43:19. God said:
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
God is the God of new… of growth… of change. He wants us to pursue His ways with everything we have… to see the desert as opportunity and not a burden. Feeling stuck today? Not making any progress? Turn to God who wants to reignite the creativity and passion in your life! Don’t settle for the way things are if they aren’t the best they can be.
Take a minute… grab a plate… and ask the question “What if? What if the way I’ve been doing it isn’t the way God wants it done?” Accept the challenge of God’s “new” over your “routine” Refuse to settle for mediocre and chase magnificent. He has a new thing for your life…a new way of thinking or doing… that if you are bold enough to embrace it will change your forever.
Soon enough you’ll find yourself doing more than just painlessly slicing grapes… you’ll be reaching your God potential.