In 2007, England’s Queen Elizabeth II decided to make a
short 6-day visit to the United States.
While most people would pack a couple of suitcases… the queen travelled
much heavier. In fact, it was estimated
that her gear weighed in at two to three tons! What could she possibly have brought that
weighed so much? The list included
clothes, a diamond tiara, her gowns, her crown, gifts, paperwork, and up to 50
pairs of white gloves. In addition, her
personal affects included several framed photos of her family, her favorite tea
and teapot, large quantities of favorite brand of water, and special medicines
that she required. Planning and packing
took eight months.
All for a six day visit.
But not all royalty travels with such fanfare. Over 2000 years ago, a little child entered
the world that would forever change it.
He would grow up, heal the sick, raise the dead, teach the masses about
God’s love, serve those He created, allow Himself to be crucified, and
resurrect back to glorious life. All
while maintaining very few possessions, keeping a selectively small circle of close
confidantes, and having a low profile.
Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, came out of Heaven
that Christmas morning… not weighed down
with stuff… but burdened with the sins of the world. In a couple of days we will celebrate
Christ’s royal arrival… and as we observe Christmas.. let us never forget that
Jesus travelled light for a reason. It
was so that He could spend His time intentionally… not worried about bringing
everything with him… but making sure He didn’t leave without us.
Merry Christmas!