Then heavyweight champion of the world Mohammed Ali was sitting on a plane getting ready to take off. The flight attendant recognized him and gently walked over to ask him to put on his seat belt. His response? “Superman don’t need no seat belt.” The attendant stopped a second looked the formidable man squarely in the face and replied, “Superman don’t need no airplane either!”
There are many who treat God the same way. God asks something of them… and they tell Him they don’t need to do it. He gives them instruction through His word… and they shrug it off. Pride makes them believe that they are self-sufficient… that they are in complete control of their direction with little need for restraint. Psalm 10:4 tells us “In his pride, the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God”
Ali couldn’t fly on his own… and neither can we. God is in control. He knows best. And when He tells us that it’s going to get a little bumpy…we need to put on that seatbelt… sit back… and thank Him for the ability to fly.