Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Swim

“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. 3 Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Matthew 18:2-3

    When Tyler (my oldest son) was young and just learning how to swim, he scared me.  Not just me... but my wife Stephanie as well.  While other children put on inflatable water wings and “floaties” and such, Tyler dove right into the deep end of the pool to practice.  Time and time again we told him to stay toward the steps.  It didn’t work.  Before we knew it he was back down to the 7 foot end trying his luck with the stronger swimmers.  As I think back, I realize now why Tyler must have been confident enough to jump into water that was twice as deep as he was tall... he had faith.  He knew that if he got into trouble, dad would be right there to get him out of it.  I wouldn’t stand on the pool edge and point my finger and tell him “I told you so!”  No, he trusted me and he felt safe...just because I was there. 

    Today’s verse talks about that type of trust.  Jesus says in Matthew 18 that we are to “turn from your sins and become like little children” if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  What did He mean?  Isn’t being childlike something that we are trying to avoid in our maturing process?   

     What Jesus meant wasn’t regressing back to our former ways.   He meant simply that our faith needs to be complete.  Our Heavenly Father sits poolside while we stand at the edge of the water.  Do we jump in?  Can we trust Him?  We can’t stop worrying over bills and car problems and aging and productivity numbers and everything else that makes us need a massage.  What if we jump in and He’s not enough?  What if we swallow too much water and start to sink?  What if our feet can’t touch the bottom?  Where is the bottom?  If I can’t see the bottom, how do I know it’s safe?  Is God enough?  Will He protect me?

     A child doesn’t think of these things.  They see water.  They glance over to see if their parents are watching... and they jump.  Two seconds of silence until they break the surface and sink below the waterline.  Blissfully trusting that if anything were to happen...they were protected.   They don’t ignore the dangers, they just don’t focus on them.  They see dad.  They know he’s there.  They enjoy the journey without worrying about the possibilities of failure.  When Jesus tells us to become like little children, He’s not telling us to stay oblivious to what the world throws at us.   He’s telling us to look to Him, trust Him completely, and jump.  Dive into what God has for you!  It’s THAT kind of faith that not only gets us to Heaven, but allows us to enjoy the swim of life along the way!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

God, Where Are You?

  This morning as you wake up... things may seem pretty bleak.   In fact, you may wonder if this will be just another day of treading water... staying afloat...surviving.  You don’t have a vacation on the calendar, your back still hurts, and the bill collector will be calling at dinnertime just like he always does.

Another 24 hours... another 7 days... another month. 

The dream you once had seems all but dead.  What little heartbeat it has seems distant now.  Things have skidded to a stop with a spouse that seems uninterested and a life that is far from the one you used to tell the kids at school you’d have when you grew up.

You ask:  When am I going to feel better?    When will it stop hurting?  When is it my turn?  What am I going to do? 

God, where are you?

Sound familiar?  If this is you.. or even someone you know.  I have great news on this Wednesday.  

The Bible talks about Jairus... the leader of a local synagogue crying out to Jesus to heal his very sick daughter.  Jesus agrees and walks with the man when He is stopped mid-way to heal a woman who touches His robe.  In the few minutes that transpires with the old woman.... something very profound happens... let’s pick up the story in Mark 5:36

“While he was still speaking to her, messengers arrived from the home of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. They told him, “Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the Teacher now.”

But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”  
Mark 5:35-36

Jairus’ life was spiraling out of control.  He was doing his best at the synagogue but he knew that each day that he returned home, he’d find his daughter deteriorating.  He’d prayed... he’d begged... he’d pleaded... he felt hopeless, helpless, and hurting.  The dream he’d had about experiencing life with his daughter was rapidly fading away...just as his daughter’s heartbeat began it’s slow decrescendo to its final beat.  

Jairus’ life was not what he thought it would be... He, too, asked the same questions...

When am I going to feel better?  When will it stop hurting?  When is it my turn?  What am I going to do? 

God, where are you?

Then He learned where God was... He was on a boat heading his way across a lake.  Jairus had heard about Jesus... had learned of His ability to do the impossible... and ran with everything he had toward hope. 

Jesus was his only hope.   Jesus was his daughter’s only hope.  (Jesus is our only hope)

Believing in Christ’s power... Jairus reached out to Jesus and begged Him to save his ailing daughter.  

(...To save your broken dreams.  To save your wounded heart.  To save that failing marriage.  To save what seems un-saveable.) 

When word came that Jairus’ daughter was dead... hope seemed lost.

(...When word came that your dream was hopeless... when divorce seemed like an inevitability... when the only choice you thought you had was to give up...)

But hope wasn’t lost. It came to Jairus (us) in six little words.

“Don’t be afraid, just have faith.”  

Ever been afraid of what’s coming?
Ever been afraid of what’s been?  
Ever been afraid of losing control?

Ever been afraid that God won’t be there?

Make no mistake, God will be there.  In fact, He’s there now.  He’s working in your life where you can’t see Him... and He’s mending the cracks in your armor.  Jesus will never allow one day to pass where your faith goes unnoticed or unrewarded.   

God comes through every single time.  Every single circumstance.  

His ability to heal lives is nothing new...and it’s not exclusive to leaders of synagogues.  When we have faith... when we reject fear... when we put our trust in Him... things change for the better.

Jesus Christ is forever faithful... and your life, in Him, will only get better.  

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

For Others

A young boy was sent to the corner store by his mother to buy a loaf of bread. He was gone much longer than it should have taken him. When he finally returned, his mother asked, “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you.”

“Well,” he answered, “ there was a little boy with a broken bike who was crying. So I stopped to help him.”

“I didn’t know you knew anything about fixing bikes,” his mother said.

“I don’t,” he replied. “I just stayed there and cried with him.

A sweet story...  but I can already hear you shouting into your computer...

“Crying doesn’t help that kid get his bike fixed!”
“Was it worth worrying his mom just to make somebody feel better?”
“I would have done..... “
“That kid should have....”

I know. Our tendency is to read a story like this and think how it could have been handled better.  Maybe it’s our desire to be problem-solvers.  Perhaps it’s because at the pace of our day, we aren’t able to appreciate just stopping to empathize.  It could be that we don’t see the point of crying... 

Whatever the case, God has a verse written just for us as to how we are to react when we hear the story of or are brought into another’s situation.  

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15

Today’s verse from Romans tells how to react when we hear news...both good and bad.      God says that we are to celebrate when somebody else is celebrating and cry with them when they are hurting.  Easier said than done.

When people around you are full of joy and loving life, what is your first reaction?  Go ahead... be honest.  You’re the only one that knows that answer.  I think some people genuinely love to see others happy... And some don’t.  In fact, when they see people celebrating they look for ways to sabotage it.  Maybe it’s feeling overwhelming jealousy, or sharing the “real reason” they got it, or putting on a bad mood so that the attention is brought to them.  Whatever the case, God wants us to return the high-five, put on the party hat, and with a genuine spirit of joy... join in the laughter.  If they are being showered with blessings... run in the rain with them!  Life is too short to experience only your own happiness.  

And if they are saddened, disheartened, feeling overcome or beaten up... cry with them.  Scripture tells us to mourn with those who are mourning.  This doesn’t mean a para-sympathetic tap on the shoulder with an obligatory “it’ll be ok”  God’s telling us to imagine ourselves in their shoes.  I’m talking a feel it WITH them type of reaction.  I know what you might be thinking... Pastor, I have enough troubles of my own.. I can’t take on the pain of others.  

Being a Christ-follower means we are to live each day trying to be more like Him.  The reason He came to Earth was to save us and make sure we knew that He understands.  He’s felt every pain, endured every heartbreak, and taken on every struggle.   If we are going to be more Christ-like... we have to do what He did...and love the people He loves.

Jesus Christ knows how bad it hurts.  He is intimately involved with every circumstance and records every tear.  We need to do our very best to be like that too...  

Get involved.  Get your hands-dirty.  Walk two miles in their shoes.  Share a box of tissues with those that are broken.  Don’t shy away from others’ pain... because one day, you’ll need them and the comfort that comes from the hug of a close friend.   

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  Romans 12:15

This verse isn’t just a way to make others feel good... it’s the roadmap to our growth in Christ. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Spring Is Coming

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”  1 Peter 5:10

Maybe you woke up today with the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Sometimes it’s what life throws at you.  Sometimes it’s discipline for a bad decision.  Every time it’s tough.  Really tough.  Hard to believe that you’ll be able to bear up under it.  Stresses, confusion, anger, bitterness, worry, and wonder... all mixed together in the soup of our day.  Life gets very very hard.     And in the midst of our pain, the devil sits nearby whispering...

“If God loved wouldn’t be going through this.” 

That voice sounds so familiar.  It’s the one that tells you that you aren’t good enough... or that God has left you... or you don’t matter.

He just doesn’t let up.  
The saddest truth is that some of us have become convinced this is true.  It’s far easier to believe we are being punished for something than it is to think that God is allowing it to happen for us to grow.  We don’t like discipline.  We don’t like not knowing.  And if we’re being honest... we don’t like to wait on God’s timing when our own seems like a better plan.

God knows what He’s doing.  

He truly does.  

After going through a season of severe anxiety myself, I know this... You WILL be victorious over what is holding you down.   How do I know?
What you are feeling is for a SEASON.  

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”  1 Peter 5:10

That pit in your stomach. The tears that sting your eyes.  The lies.  The abandonment.  The loneliness.  You won’t feel these forever.  Look at the verse... it says your suffering is not a permanent condition.  Of course, a little while to God may seem like an eternity to us….but God’s timing is perfect... and we need to keep in mind that there is a purpose to the pain.  It may feel like Winter now... but Spring is coming.   Endure the season... but while you are going through it... thank God for His continued love and protection.  

He is building you... one season and one challenge at a time.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Flat Tire

There is a new kind of tire that brags that it can run over a nail and keep going.  In fact, the tire is supposed to stay inflated for fifty miles at speeds of up to fifty miles an hour!  It doesn’t mean that you won’t get a flat... it’s just delays your flat until you can get to a service station.

It puts off the inevitable stop you’ll have to make.  Delays the results of an unfortunate occurrence.

As I thought about this, I wonder how many of us live our lives that way?  We make an error of judgment... or a terrible mistake... and we don’t pay for it right away.  We live impervious to the consequences and continue to just keep driving.  It doesn’t mean that we won’t eventually have to fix it... but as long as it keeps looking like we’re ok... we keep on going in hopes that it will just disappear.

Just because it doesn’t happen right away doesn’t mean it won’t.  Sometimes the flat comes much later in the form of regret.  Sometimes it’s shame... or pain... or heartbreak.  

I didn’t mean to say that to them... how come they won’t talk to me anymore? 
I didn’t know that what I was doing would hurt them so badly.
I didn’t realize that one decision could derail God’s plan for my life.

Thump... thump... thump...  the sound of a flat. 

Current bad decisions lead to eventual life flats... even if those consequences don’t come immediately.  We have to be intentional with every decision we make.  What we think leads to what we do and that leads to the results that we achieve. 

Find yourself picking up a lot of nails?  Check yourself.  Are you saying things that honor God?  Putting yourself around people with your same Christ-like beliefs?  Encouraging others?  Refusing to gossip?   If not, make the decision today to drive on smoother roads.  All of us are going to make mistakes from time to time and all of us will face the results of those choices.  But if we do our best to avoid the hazards, we minimize our chances of blowouts and stress. 

Find yourself with a nail in your tire?  Pull off now and repair it.  Mend the relationships that have been damaged.  Apologize.  Seek forgiveness from those you’ve hurt.  Patches may not be easy but they will get you back on the road to your destiny. 

Don’t wait for your life to go flat before doing something about this.  I’ll be praying for you on your journey. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Two Seconds?

I read of an interesting case in Rhode Island involving parking rules.  It seems that Sarah had permission to park in her spot... but not between the hours of 8am and 10am.  Problem is, she slipped quietly to a stop in her parking place at 9:59 and 58 seconds.  The clock on her dash said it was already 10am... but the parking enforcement watch disagreed and Sarah was fined for her discrepancy. 

Two seconds. 

To many (including the judge who threw out the case)... two seconds is nothing.  It’s close enough.  It’s almost.  Problem is 9:59 and 58 seconds is not 10AM.  

But it’s close.

Living together without a commitment isn’t marriage... but it’s close.   
Loving most of the people we come into contact with isn’t what God asks... but it’s close.
Putting God second on our priority list isn’t what we’re told to do... but it’s close.

Close to the bullseye isn’t the bullseye... and anything outside of perfection is what the Bible calls sin.  What we deserve as a result of that sin is far worse than a parking fine.  Let’s look at that punishment as stated in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

What we deserve for our imperfection is death. 

But the scripture doesn’t stop there... it tells us that because of Christ, we can achieve eternal life.  Live forever with Him.  Get our tickets torn up and our handcuffs taken off... free to live knowing that our eternity is secure.  It just takes a decision.  In fact, it’s the most important decision you’ll ever make. 

Have you been living a life that’s “close”?   Are you thinking that you are too far gone to be accepted by God?  You aren’t.  God hasn’t given up on you and never will.  He wants a relationship with you more than you could ever know.  You are His child and you matter.  And no matter how many times you’ve missed the bullseye, there’s still hope and forgiveness waiting for you on the other side of this most important choice.   Are you ready to ask Jesus into your life?  Tired of trying to do it all on your own and struggling?  He’s ready to hear from your heart today.   How do we make God the Master, the Lord, the CEO of our life?  Three simple steps:

1)  Admit that you make mistakes
First, you must admit where you are with God.  We can't make excuses or blame others and our circumstances for our actions. "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" (Romans 3:23).   We all sin and none of us can get to Heaven on our own.

2)  Believe that Christ died on the cross for you.

"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God..." (I Peter 3:18).   It was through Christ's sinless life and willingness to sacrifice Himself on our behalf that we can spend eternity with God.
The Apostle Paul said, "...the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20).

3)  Commit your life to God

The word "repent" means "to change your direction.  God commands us to repent. You must be willing to turn away from the things that miss the mark with God.  Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). It is essential that you come to Jesus as you are... receive Him and allow Him to do the "cleansing." Jesus said, "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out" (John 6:37).

If you are ready to admit, believe, and commit your life to Jesus Christ, say a prayer today right where you are like this one to Him. 

"God, I know that I have missed the mark and that my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past mistakes and come to you.  Please forgive me. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayers. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule in my heart, and to guide my steps.  I give everything I understand about myself to everything I understand about You.  Salvage me.  Save me.  Thank you God.... Amen.”

My sincerest hope is that you prayed that prayer today... or shared it with someone who needed it.  It’s time to stop living “close” to what God wants and instead establish a relationship with Him and allow Him to guide our steps.   Blessings to you today and always.    

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

One Answer

“Why doesn’t God answer my prayer?”
“What does God want me to do with my life?”
“Why won’t God give me clarity?”
“When are things going to get easier?”
“Why don’t I get the same blessings as my friends?”

Have you ever had any of those questions?

I get asked them all the time.  My answer is always the same.  It’s one little word that, when lived out, changes things.  God blesses us... our lives move forward... we gain lucidity...  and our life’s purpose and direction come into focus.  Nine letters that are easy to say but challenging to commit to.  That word:


John Newton, the writer of the most popular hymn in history, "Amazing Grace" said:

"… if two angels in heaven were given assignments by God at the same time, one of them to go and rule over the greatest nation on earth and the other to go sweep the streets of the dirtiest village, each angel would be completely indifferent as to which one got which assignment.
It simply wouldn’t matter to them. Why? Because the real joy lies in being obedient to God. For a Christ follower, the important thing isn’t what God has us doing; the important thing is that we’re doing what God wants us to do." 
(Lee Strobel, God’s Outrageous Claims, 93)

Regardless of our profession, income, or social status...God wants us to live our lives in a particular way.  When we do, He blesses us.  When we don’t, we struggle.  It’s not God being mean... it’s us missing the mark.  It’s not because we don’t know what He wants from our lives... it’s because we decide daily to simply not do them.  So what does obedience look like?  What does it take to please God.  

Simple.  Love Him.

“‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’”   Matthew 22:36-40

Jesus said that the key step of obedience is loving God.  Always putting Him first.  It means maintaining a growing and thriving relationship with the One who created us.  This includes putting His agenda above our own... consulting Him and allowing Him to guide decisions... reading scripture and actually living out the words therein.  Loving God means affection for Him... expressing our genuine love with our whole heart.   We must be loyal to Him... protect His name and speak it often... spend time with Him... listen for His voice... talk to Him... honor Him... brag about Him... and so much more.    Obedience begins a commitment (or re-commitment) to love God first and above all others.  If He isn’t our first and most important influence... we have someone (or something) in the wrong place.