Do you remember the “Peanuts” cartoon strip? One of the recurring scenes had a determined Charlie Brown trying to kick a football held by Lucy. Time after time he’d run at the ball... and at the very last minute Lucy would snatch it away and Charlie would go flying past. Lucy would apologize and Charlie would accept... draw back.. and run at the ball again only to find the same outcome.
Flat on his back. No football. Only air.
Why did Charlie Brown stay at it so long? Why repeat the same behavior again and again with the same outcome? He knew it was never going to change if he kept on doing it the same way... why didn’t he adjust? Why didn’t he change his ways? Why didn’t he do something to make things different? Young Mr. Brown forgot a simple truth that so many of us do...
It’s one thing to know something’s not working... it a whole other thing to actually do something about it and make a change. Knowing isn’t enough.
The Bible addresses this. Let’s look at what James says about this in Chapter 1 and verses 22-25.
“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.” (James 1:22-25)
We read so much in scripture that guides us toward our God-potential...
Love God first
Love your neighbors
Control your anger
Give to those that need
Don’t worry
Trust when you don’t see it
Serve others with your talents...
We know what we need to do... but is it happening? Are we living it out?
The Bible is a life-changing book. But knowing what the Bible says is only half of what’s necessary. We’ve got to apply it. Ever feel like Charlie Brown? Ever wonder why things aren’t changing? Why the scenario isn’t playing out like you hoped it would?
In many cases it’s simply a matter of living out what we read... adjusting our lives to God’s plan rather than asking Him to approve our own.
We can quote scripture... have highlighted key passages in our Bibles... take pages of notes during the weekend teaching... but if we fail to apply it, make some changes, and actually live out God’s word... we find ourselves flat on our back. Again.
The Bible’s not just informative... it’s transformative. It gives us hope, strength, the power to endure, wisdom, creativity, changes our perspective, teaches us right and wrong, and is the textbook on how to love God and others.
In printed form it’s powerful. When it’s lived out by those that read it... it’s world changing.
It’s time to stop seeing the Bible as an ancient book of advice meant for others to follow. It’s God’s love letter to us... His directions... His plan for success... His reminder that we are His masterpiece and He wants what’s best for our lives. It is as relevant today as it has ever been.
God has huge blessings for those that are committed enough to read, internalize, and actually do what He tells them to. Are you ready to change the world? We have God’s plan... let’s make the adjustments... live out every word... and go for it!