Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Knowing or Doing?

I read an ABC news report about a man who has spent his entire 71 years on the planet in school.  Michael Nicholson of Kalamazoo, Michigan has an interesting hobby:  he collects degrees.  So far he has 29 and is on course for his 30th.  His accomplishments include one doctorate, three specialist degreees, one bachelor’s degree, two associate degrees, and 22 masters.  When asked about it, Michael says that he just loves to learn.   

And while we might at first celebrate his decision… it doesn’t take long before we realize the tragedy in this story.  Mr. Nicholson has spent his entire life learning disciplines without putting any of it to use.   He’s filled his head with knowledge and his walls with paperwork… but his legacy remains locked away in his briefcase.  Learning is important… but without utilizing the knowledge we receive… it’s practically useless.  The same goes for our study of the Bible.  James tells us in chapter 1 and verse 22 that we should not merely listen to the word… but we are to “Do what it says.”  Knowing who God is and doing what God wants are two different things… and one without the other is simply missing our purpose.   While it’s very important to study and memorize scripture… it’s equally as important to take the message out of the confines of the mind and into the world through our hands and heart.