Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Speed of Pain

The other day I read that as a pane of glass breaks, the cracks travel faster than three thousand miles per hour down the length of the glass.  Hard to believe anything could cause that much damage so quickly...  As I was thinking about this piece of trivia, one thing came to mind that might be comparable...

Our words.   What we say can cause widespread destruction in very little time.  A sarcastic response... a jab.. or maybe it’s more directed pain.  Maybe it’s bringing up the past or a hurtful memory... perhaps it’s tearing someone apart just because we seek revenge.  Whatever the circumstance, words can wound deeply.  Scripture tells us in Ephesians 4 that we shouldn’t let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths.  Any.  Why?  Because as much as we might want to, once words come out... they can’t go back in.  The person is hurt...the relationship over...the damage done.   God-honoring speech is a conscious choice... and no matter what a person’s background, environment, upbringing, or influences are...they can still decide to honor Christ with their words.  Make the choice... and commit to using words for lifting up and not lashing out.