Sunday, November 23, 2014


“But will God really live on earth among people? Why, even the highest heavens cannot contain you. How much less this Temple I have built!”  - King Solomon in 2 Chronicles 6:18

A little boy was playing in the sand on the seashore.  He dug a large pit in the ground and began to scoop water from the ocean into the freshly opened hole.    He did this dozens of times before an elderly man approached him and asked “What are you trying to do by going back and forth from the ocean and pouring water into your pit?”  The little boy said very enthusiastically, “Sir, can’t you see?  I’m emptying the ocean!”

When we read this story we want to dismiss it as the naïve thoughts of a young mind.  We all know that emptying the ocean into a small hole is impossible... that the majestic sea can’t be contained in one comparatively tiny area.  Yet many of us try to do that with God.  We attempt to take His majesty and contain it in a box the size of our faith at the time.   2 Chronicles 6 tells us that even the highest heavens can’t hold God.  He is everywhere.  Big enough to handle what hurts and close enough to hear the quietest desperate prayer.  Resist the urge to think of God in finite constraints.... and praise Him that He is everywhere at one time... ready to help us as the loving Father that He is.