Thursday, April 24, 2014

Apples and Seeds

An anonymous writer once penned, “Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.”  

Often we see life just like this simple statement.  We perceive what’s right in front of us: the pile of bills, the deadlines, the obligations, and the challenges.  It’s pretty easy to count what we have stacked up against us.   But God has a different field of vision.  Where we see trouble, He sees opportunity for growth.  When we feel pain, He provides  healing and breakthrough.  God’s view of our lives is much different than our own.  He watches our time on earth unfold from the finish line instead of the starting gate.  And it’s because of this that we can trust Him.   

God loves you.  He believes in you.  He has placed air in your lungs and started your heart beating for a reason!  If you ever feel the urge to count troubles... resist.  It’s an easy thing to do and causes more heartache than you were meant to bear.  Instead, stop and remember that God saw those same obstacles and created you anyway... because He knows that you have potential for greatness.  He put it there.  It’s simply a matter of remembering to view your life through God’s lens and not the world’s.